Celebration/OMDH v2 0

Title: Celebration/OMDH v2 0
Author: Brian "Red 81" Guthrie
Date: Mar 10, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations/Objective (10) Hidden Base Rendevous Point (s) Alderaan (x2) (HB Marker) Tatooine Tatooine Tosche Station Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Ships, Vehicles, Weapons, Devices (8) Millenium Falcon (x2) RLR1 and GLG1 Spiral Tantive IV Redemption Obi’s Saber

Characters (22) Ben Kenobi (x2) Obi Wan Kenobi Master Luke EPP Luke (x2) EPP Leia (x2) Captain Han (x2) ECC Lando ECC Chewie Orrimarko Taws Khaa Melas Bo Shek Oola Wedge Antilles Jeroen Webb Derek Klivian Biggs Darklighter

Effects/Interrupts (20) The Signal (x2) Insurrection Battle Plan Wise Advice Ultimatum Tatooine Celebration (x2) Our Most Desperate Hour (x2) Bacta Tank Mantellian Savrip Courage of a Skywalker Weapon Levitation Sorry About the Mess Sense (x3) Alter What Are You Trying to Push On Us? ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is the latest version of my Tatooine Celebration/OMDH deck, which I have been playing in tournaments for the past two months. It is 8-1 during that period, with the only loss against my friend Eric Berger (#2 in Dantooine), who help me playtest it in the beginning. However, the best thing about this deck, IMHO, is that its FUN to play

Based on my play experience and decktech comments on v1.0, I have made several key changes. Perhaps the most important is the addition of a modest Sense/Alter package, combined with Wise Advice and WYTTPOU. Not many people are playing heavy SAC decks anymore (Old Skooler Matt Lush aside of course), so I can usually get away with 3 Sense and 1 Alter. You can make the case for a 2/2 split, but most of the nasty DS red cards are interrupts, and most DS decks are packing alters rather than senses. Wise Advice guarantees that these cards will recirculate even if I lose a SAC war, and the one grabber can take care of DS Alters, Screws, or Sabaac.

The deck plays like a standard Mains and Toys deck, but starts Hidden Base to confuse my opponent and pull Tatooine and Alderaan. I usually deploy Tatooine the first turn and wait to deploy Alderaan until the mid-game. I try to hold Alderaan back so that Our Most Desperate Hour comes as a complete surprise. This usually works, but BEWARE OF LOSING CARDS FROM YOUR FORCE PILE. Losing Alderaan to a measly drain of 1 at the beginning of the game can really hurt (I learned the hard way, but still managed to win that particular game).

All the cards in this deck have been carefully chosen and serve a particular purpose. The locations are fairly self-explanatory, with the only possible change being the addition of Tibrin (so that if I lose a valuable card to a force drain I can get it back, albeit at a cost). I used to run with Dagobah and Yoda’s Hut for the big early force generation, but found that the 2 early force from Dagobah helped the DS more than it helped me.

The deck is heavy on characters, but all except for Oola contribute to either OMDH or Insurrection. Oola is expendable, but I always try to include her in my LS decks just for the shock/fear value. Even if I don’t have enough force to use Oola every turn, she usually takes the DS out of their game (either forcing them to over-deploy to get characters on the table or drawing up to hold a big hand). I almost always try to deploy her on a ship so she is relatively safe from battles and weapons. I have toyed with the idea of running with 2 Master Luke’s instead of 1 and adding Anakin’s stick, but I find the card economy EPP Luke is really hard to beat.

In space, I rely on the two most broken combinations available to the LS. The first is fairly obvious, so I won’t elaborate The Falcon/Capt Han/EPP Leia combo is simply the deadliest in the game. I know many people believe Lando in Falcon is the better choice so that EPP Han can be used in the ground, but I disagree. The other deadly combination is that of Insurrection, Bacta Tank, the Redemption, and any 2/2 pilot. The DS is guaranteed to lose space if you get this combination running, because the LS pilots forfeit for 7 and come back to the system for free the next turn. Even without this combo, Insurrection really allows this deck to hold Tatooine (for Celebration) and run to Alderaan (for OMDH) against a superior DS space fleet. Try it - you’ll find it works quite well.

As for the selection of red cards, I have already discussed my decision to run with a small Sense/Alter package. The deck always starts Wise Advice against known SAC players, and starts Insurrection otherwise. The rest of the cards are self-explanatory. If Dueling decks are really big in your area, Glancing Blow could be added. I only recently added Weapon Levitation with the arrival of Mara and her stick on the scene. In addition, I have found SATM to be useful against EPP Iggy and EPP 4-LOM, who have been known to take a key rebel prisoner and then sit alone at a site without fear. Order to Engage and Mechanical Failure used to be in this deck, but I took them out to make room for Sense/Alter.

As I said before, this deck is FUN to play Its interactive, likes to battle, and has brutal retrieval potential. Obviously, Secret Plans slows this deck down and requires you to save up for OMDH runs, but it is not a killer. On average, this deck retrieves about 20-30 force a game. The other plus is that it usually wins by a big differential, which can really help in competitive tournaments.

I welcome any and all feedback If you made it this far, thanks for reading ‘