Ral Ops Quick-E-Drain

Title: Ral Ops Quick-E-Drain
Author: David "Mandalor2000" Sidhu
Date: Mar 11, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (4) Ralltir Operations Twi’ek Advisor Abilaty, Abilaty , Abilaty Ralitir

Charachters (20) Stormtroopersx4 Imerial Comanders x2 4-Lom w/Concussion Rifle Lieutenant Renz Labria Sergeant Wallen U-3P0 Lieutenant Comander Ardan Mosep Darth Vader, Dark Lord OF The Sith Admiral Motti Captain Needa Trooper Davin Felth Commander Igar GRand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand

Vehicles (4) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempist Scout 3 Tempist 1

Ships (7) Executer IG-88 in IG -2000 Boba Fett in Slave 1 Zuckess in Mist Hunter Thunderflare Death Star Assault Squadron Dengar in Punishing 1

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Darth Vader’s Lightsaber

Sites (7) Swamp Desert Spaceport Street Spaceport Prefect’s Office Jungle Spaceport City Forest

Effects (7) Death Mark Undercover Expand the Empire Strategic Reserves He is not Ready Reactor Terminal Resistance

Interupts (9) Trooper Assault x3 Twi’lek Advisor Abyssin Ornament Sacrafice Sense Alter Control ‘

Strategy: ‘

OKay, the first thing to do is flip the objective. That should be quite easy with all of the charachters that you’ll get, in three turns max it’ll be flipped. One to get each site out. Once it’s flipped first priority is to get drains from all of the possible 7 locations, so do so. Now enhance them with the lightsabers, and put expand the Empire on Spaceport City With an Imperial Comander, so You’ll be draining for 2 at three locations plus the light sabers, 5. Now make Sure Mosep is at a site where drains of two are coming from that site and the adgacent sites. Now that you have a fair amount of drains operating, get the effects into play, by searching your deck if you don’y already have them (you can search for 2 force a turn with Ral Ops). Get Resistance, Reactor Terminal and Strategic Resereves out(I like to call ‘em the ‘Big Three’. Make sure that at each site you have abilaty of four or higher because of the destiny bonus that comes with Ral Ops. Now Ralttir is basically yours. I have included seven startships to battle in space should the need arise. Also after controling the sites on Ralttir you should have several charahters and Vehicles left so you can also battle and drain off Raltiir. The interupts are prertty straight forward, so that’s about it. One tip is to avoid battling and just drain on Ralttir unless your deck is being depleated by drains off of Ralttir (or if you are just the battling type) . If you keep the objective flipped and ‘out of fights’ you should be able to win the game. ‘