Daniel Blackford Loves Shaft

Title: Daniel Blackford Loves Shaft
Author: Lee "Terron" Edwards
Date: Mar 14, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective ISB Operations/Empire’s Sinister Agents

Locations Cloud City Downtown Plaza Cloud City Port Town District Coruscant Endor Endor Back Door Hoth Defensive Perimeter Kashyyyk Kiffex Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm

Characters (21) 5D6-RA-7 (Fivedesix) 4-LOM with Concussion Rifle Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Commander Igar Darth Vader x3 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2 Outer Rim Scout x8

Vehicles (3) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Walker Tempest 1

Starships (7) Dengar In Punishing One Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x3 Jabba’s Space Cruiser Zuckuss in Mist Hunter x2

Interrupts (7) Abyssin Ornament x3 Imperial Barrier x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2

Effects (9) A Bright Center To The Universe Battle Order Den Of Thieves First Strike Imperial Arrest Order Resistance Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell To Pay Well Guarded

Weapons (2) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Start ISB Ops and Coruscant. Usually Twilek for Well Guarded, but against Ops go with ABCTTU.

Play this deck like a normal M&T or Big Blue deck. Get some solid drains going in space and ground. Don’t worry too much about flipping until you’re ready. The ISB text is really just icing on the cake. The ORS function as 2/2 pilots like in Big Blue, except they add to drain, subtract from opponent’s, can be retrieved with ISB, can be grabbed with Abyssin O, can retrieve with Abyssin O, and can cancel drains with Den of Thieves.

vs Ops - start ABCTTU and get BAttle Order out ASAP. Take control of the Farm and flip with an ORS/5D6 on the renegade planet. If they have nothing to counter you, they will be draining for 0, but they probably will, so keep Coruscant occupied and 5D6/ORS safe on the planet. Watch out for Lost in the Wilderness on poor 5D6.

vs M&T - hit and run with your mains while using IAO, Ghhk and Imperial Barrier to slow the opponent down while you get big drains in space and with ISB Ops.

vs Profit - start with Mara Jade and FettJabba depending on what you want to do. Jabba adds 2 to forfeit of the ORS, but Fett gets a shot and adds a destiny with Jabba or Han. Try to stall them in the AC while you drain away from Tatooine. By the time they flip, they should have lost substantial amounts of force. Try to retrieve what you lost from the stake-out with ISB text/Abyssin O

vs HB - spread out big time. Don’t forget their drains at systems where you have an Op at a related site are -1. cancel drains with Den of Thieves and retrieve with Abyssin O. They’re going to have to flip with all your big drains going on, so use SP and probe to make them lose force.

vs anything else - keep in mind you’re going to have to track abyssin Os and Twileks, along with cards you drop with Reactor Term to draw good destiny. Never forget to retrieve an ORs at the end of the turn, and try not to spread too thin, but keep several drains going at all times.

Good luck. ‘