Mains And Drains

Title: Mains And Drains
Author: Mike "OQrygg" Merletto
Date: Mar 15, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (1) Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut

Locations (7) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Jabba’s Palace Entrance Cavern Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Tosche Station

Characters (18) Ben Kenobi Biggs Darklighter BoShek Boushh Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk H’nemthe x2 Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Kal’Falnl C’ndros Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Luke With Lightsaber Melas Momaw Nadon Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Orrimaarko

Weapons/Devices (4) Anakin’s Lightsaber Jedi Lightsaber Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x2

Vehicles/Starships (6) Corellian Corvette x2 Gold Leader In Gold 1 Lando In Millenium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Skiff

Effects/Interrupts (24) Alter Careful Planning Civil Disorder Clash Of Sabers Draw Their Fire Glancing Blow Goo Nee Tay Jedi Presence x2 Nabrum Leids x3 Scramble Sense x3 Shocking Information The Signal x2 Traffic Control Transmission Terminated x2 Ultimatum Uncontrollable Fury ‘

Strategy: ‘

Normal start is Obi’s Hut with Careful Planning for Mos Eisley (Tosche if you think you’ll need activation). If you play Hunt Down, start Goo Nee Tay instead, so you don’t provide a battleground, and so Vader is depoy +2.

Vs. Hunt Down Try to get Obi or Luke to a battleground, then try to get Transmission Terminated or a spy to cancel Visage. This way the Dark Side is also losing from Visage.

Once I get a decent beatdown, the game will most likely shift my way, since most Hunt Downs don’t have many ways to retreive.

Vs. Raltiir Ops Get characters down to Raltiir before they flip, it’ll make it much easier to prevent the flip, than trying to flip it back.

If they flip quickly, just Nabrum a hit squad over to Raltiir. Sense will help to cancel some reacts if they are playing with Speeders or AT-STs.

Vs. COTVG This will probably be the hardest game, especially if they flip. Try to take over the AC before they get back-up there… it’ll probably cost you, but it’ll make up for it in the long run.

Stay clumped together unless you have some Nabrums or tracked destinies, then just spread and drain. It’ll be a long game, but if you get the Cantina shuffle going, it’ll get easier.

Vs. TDIGWATT Probably will be a hard game if they get Dark Deal set up. Try to take over CC early with mains and use the limited ships to control Bespin Cloud City. ‘