My final Endor OPS deck

Title: My final Endor OPS deck
Author: Lee "pyro_ostrich" Fisk
Date: Mar 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (normal) Endor Ops/imperial Outpost Endor EBunker Edocking bay Twi’Lek Perimeter Patrol

Locations Death Star Back Door Dark Forest 2xForest Clearing Courusant Kiffix Kysshhyk

Starships Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Tyrant Dreadnaught Devastator Avenger Bossk in Hounds Tooth Executor

Characters Trooper Fenson Cabbel Ephant Mon Piett DS-61-3 Arnet 3xAT-ST pilot Grand Moff tarkin Darth vader,Dark Lord of Sith Lennox Mara Jade

Effects Closed Door Security Precautions Emoires New Order There is No Try Lateral Damage A Bright Center… resistence IAO Bad Feeling have i Dark Waters First Strike Secret Plans Ominous Rumors Establish Secret Base

Vehicles 4xTempest Scouts Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2

Creature Bubo

Interrupts Monnok Point man Tarkins Orders Those rebels Won’t escape us ‘

Strategy: ‘

Oopps… I meant to put in Yaven Yanal (the guy who kills spys,interrupt) in place of Closed Door.

Okay this is basically the same as the rest of them. Normally start with what i said to.

I added more AT-St’s and some more operative counter (Empires New Order).

Drak Waters= force drain -1

Point Man= cancels everything that can hurt this deck.

the extra endor site= better chance of flipping quick.

Ephant Mon= no spies at bunker.

Fenson + Bad feeling= +4 deploy to Endor.

I put DS-61-3 in for Motti (because he’s power=3 and adds 3 to power of whatever.)

Start Security Precautions aganst Hidden Base.

Start Secret Plans against Rescue the Princess and Profit (unless worried about a beatdown on endor)

Yavin Yanal + MaraJade= extra spy protection.

Tarkins Orders= cancels a force drain.

Basically force drain like hell and try to keep a strong garrison at the sites and systems.

That about covers the new stuff and some combos and some old stuff. Let me know what you think.