Raltiir Ops Control

Title: Raltiir Ops Control
Author: Adam "General Solo" Prosak
Date: Mar 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objectives (1) Raltiir Operations

Locations (9) Raltiir (start) Swamp Jungle Spaceport Prefect’s Office Spaceport Docking Bay Coruscant Dagobah Cave Death Star Death Star War Room

Characters (16) Darth Vader, DLOTS x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Mara Jade, TEH x2 Commander Igar Admiral Ozzel Lt. Commander Ardan Lt. Arnet Officer Evax Commander Desanne Seargent Torrent AT-ST Pilot x3

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Creatures (1) Bubo

Starships/Vehicles (12) Executor Vader’s Personal Shuttle Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar In Punishing One Boba Fett In Slave One Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Interupts (9) Twi-lek Advsior x2 Alter x3 Trample x2 Imperial Barrier x2

Effects (13) Bad Feeling Have I Battle Order There’ll Be Hell To Pay x3 Security Precautions Imperial Arrest Order Come Here You Big Coward Reactor Terminal Search and Destroy A Bright Center to the Universe Blast Door Controls ‘

Strategy: ‘

When I built this deck, I built this deck with a game plan in mind. I think that if Raltiir Ops is flipped for the entire game, the DS player will almost always win if built and played properly. Against mains, starting Bad Feeling will allow a few Imperial Barriers and Reacts will prevent a beatdown. AT-ST’s are perfect for this. They can fight EPP’s without the help of mains and they can react and Trample, allowing you to spread out more than you normally would. Also, the front side of Raltiir Ops allows you to deploy AT-ST pilots from the reserve deck. AT-ST pilots are sweet. They ensure that you will get a destiny draw (important when you flip), they are destiny 3 and most importantly, they are Imperials that allow you to flip. In Short, AT-ST’s allow you to hold Raltiir without the help of mains. Once you flip, you use the two force search ability to get something important every turn or to finish off your two card combos. Against, ops you’ll need A Bright Center. Against Hidden BAse, you’ll need Search and Destroy. Against a drain, you’ll need your big guns. With the battle destiny bonus, Vader, Mara, and most of your ships can clear out an entire site. The -1 drain makes the opponent consolidate their drains. That’s why Raltiir Ops is so powerful. The -1 drain forces the opponent to consolidate their drains, and the destiny bonus allows only a few characters to clear out sites, and the 2 force search ability allows you to get these characters(or ships) every turn. The other thing that is excellent about Raltiir Ops is the amount of combos that can be stup with individually good cards. Igar is good at the Prefects Office while Tempest 1 is good with AT-ST pilots. Seargeant Torrent can be used with the Death Star locations to generate a good drain at Raltiir, but Torrent is an ability 2 Imperial for flipping and the locations are excellent for activation.

Reasons for seemingly odd choices Commander Desane ability 2 Imperial with ability to search for Vader’s Shuttle. He also reduces costs for transfering pilots from ground to space and back. Blast Door Controls Profit Hate and anti-anti-beatdown. This is the Frozen Assets for the DS as it cancels Narrow Escape and Rebel Barrier, and stays on the table Barrier and Escape are two cards that can prevent the single character beatdown that is so important to this deck. And it’s destiny 5 to boot. Lack of numbers defense It’s built in. Not too many decks can fight with only high destiny characters and CHYBC and Search and Destroy will kill them. if you only deploy AT-ST pilots, you will have a high total to minimize losses. Torture would get grappled while Vesden would get Demoted

Problems with this deck Activation It never stalls because of location searching ability, but it develops slowly if no twix location or help from the opponent arrives. If you flip, you can search for the Death Star if you have problems with activation. The core cards to flip are not very expensive while a heavy draining opponent will give you a few icons. Revos and force choke A Revo + ship to Raltiir can hurt preflip(try to get another system with a good ship and move over to flip) but Revo decks typically can’t drain for much while you can setup AT-ST drains. Oola is easily beaten by searching for Mara with Rops and beating down Oola. Lack of retrival There is really no good retrival for ROps, but retrieval isn’t nessacary. First Strike and Baraquin D’an are risky and this deck doesn’t want any risks. The key to this deck is setting up a solid flip and then taking control of the tempo of the game. Once you force your game, you will win. ‘