No speeding regulations on Tatooine

Title: No speeding regulations on Tatooine
Author: Trae "Freak4Life" Cadenhead
Date: Mar 18, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective Local Uprising/Liberation

Locations (9) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Farm (starting) Rendezvous Point Spaceport Street Tatooine (starting) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Mos Eisley

Characters (5) ASP-707 (Ayesspee) x2 Luke Skywalker x2 Luke With Lightsaber

Vehicles (18) Sandspeeder x18

Starships (5) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Lando In Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (7) On The Edge x2 T-47 Battle Formation x2 The Signal x3 (starting)

Effects (11) Battle Plan (start against operatives or ISB) Do, Or Do Not Draw Their Fire Maneuvering Flaps x2 Scramble Tatooine Celebration The Planet That It’s Farthest From Traffic Control Ultimatum Yarna d’al’ Gargan (normal start)

Weapons/Devices (4) Ewok Catapult x3 Landing Claw

Strategy: ‘

There’s a lot of power to this deck. Not to mention it’s one of a kind. Sandspeeders are great on Tatooine. Power 5 with Maneuvering Flaps and a mere deploy of 1 with an ASP droid. This deck has quite a bit of force retrieval with the Tatooine Celebration and On The Edge. I considered starting with the Tatooine system, Careful Planning, and a 2/1 site but I decided it was better to start with the Local Uprising objective so I could get out 2 battleground sites quick, plus be able to use The Signal as my starting effect. The 5 starships are to handle the Tatooine system. However, if you’re facing a space deck then it may not work that well. However, with a Landing Claw you could attach at Tatooine so that they don’t control the system and keep Tatooine Celebration in effect. Your first goal in the game should be to get the celebration going. Don’t forget the reacting ability of your Sandspeeders. It’s okay to spread somewhat thin with them. If you have the celebration going you can get Battle Plan going too (which should help slow down opponent’s drains). At the right time go for a big beatdown with your remaining speeders. As far as the ASP droids go, I figured since they were already in here to help with deploy costs I might as well get some catapults with them too. And then I figured since I had catapults I should use a couple On The Edge cards too, which I did. Luke works very nicely in this deck. First of all he makes Maneuvering Flaps immune to Alter (which is very helpful). Also, you can target him with On The Edge. Scramble works very nicely against walker decks, biker decks, etc. T-47 Battle Formation will help out with your drains on Tatooine. It’s not a main part of the strategy, but it can be helpful. With the retrieval in the deck you can get it back to use again. Here’s the way you need to play with this deck against popular dark side decks

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi This deck should do very well against the hunt down. Get Luke into a speeder as quickly as possible. This will keep Hunt Down on side one so that both of you are losing to Visage. The difference is that you have retrieval on your side. As soon as you feel confident about things administer a beatdown and end the game. Don’t worry about dueling. Vader can’t get to Luke when he’s in a speeder (that’s the beauty of the whole thing)

Ralltiir Ops This is the best dark side deck around (I know what I’m talking about, it’s what I use). However, it can be beaten. Scramble will put a serious dent into the destiny-adding function of the objective. You can beatdown with your vehicles on Ralltiir also. The battle in space should be close so the Landing Claw may come in handy in that situation.

Operatives or ISB Start Battle Plan to slow the drains. Use The Planet That It’s Farthest From if needed. Beatdown lonely spots with speeders.

Heavy space decks Pray that they are dumb enough to come to the ground. Thankfully, there aren’t a whole lot of space decks around these days. If it’s an Ominous Rumors deck you should have a good chance by going to Endor to fight.

Court Of The Vile Gangster Your speeders are safe from bounty hunters (which should really help) and you can put Luke in a speeder so that you don’t have to lose 1 per turn to the objective. Beatdown the hunters. Should be a pretty easy win.

Anything else Setup, prepare for battle, beatdown, and play smart.

This deck should work well against many dark side decks. There are a few cards I would like to add, but don’t know what to take out for them. I’d like to add a Beggar or two so that the beatdowns can be more effective. Although, Ghhhk isn’t as commonly seen as it used to be. Hydro station and Vaporator would be kinda cool so I could get going a bit faster maybe. I don’t know if it would be helpful enough to waste cardspace on, though.

Anyway, that’s the deck. I hope you like it. I look forward to seeing the reviews. Thanks and have a great day ‘