Path of Most Celebration

Title: Path of Most Celebration
Author: Andy "Solo337" McClure
Date: Mar 19, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ Locations (7) Bespin Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut CC Guest Quarters CC North Corridor CC West Gallery CC Carbonite Chamber

Characters (17) Captain Han Solo x2 EPP Han Son of Skywalker x2 EPP Luke Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 EPP Obi-Wan Boussh EPP Leia Chewbacca ECC Chewie Tawass Khaa Wedge Antillies Orrimaarko Pucumir Thyrss

Starships (7) Millenium Falcon x2 Spiral Tantive 4 Gold Leader In Gold 1 Redemption Red Leader In Red 1

Interrupts (19) Path of Least Resistance x5 Skywalkers Gift of the Mentor I Know Courage of a Skywalker Glancing Blow Nabrun Leids Sorry About The Mess The Signal Transmission Terminated x2 Clash of Sabers x2 Careful Planning Off the Edge

Effects(8) Cloud City Celebration x2 Uncontrollable Fury Scramble Battle Plan Mantellian Savrip Goo Nee Tay Bacta Tank

Weapons (2) Anakin’s Saber Obi’s Saber

Strategy: ‘

This deck hasn’t lost a game yet, but I’ve only used it in 2 tournaments and some free play.

For starters, I like Bespin and CC Guest Quarters, using Careful Planning. It helps get out Celebration, and CCGQ has a force drain -1 for the Dark Side. My favorite thing about Cloud City is that you don’t have to worry about Walkers. What a relief

You should be able to tell what this deck does just by looking at it. Basically you set up big drains early. SOS is very useful, coming with his own Saber. You can drop 1 Character at each Cloud City site, and just drain. When they battle, you Path of Least Resistance your most powerful character to the battle, and wreck some havoc. If they don’t come to Cloud City, just drop and drain. That can really add up in a hurry if you have Celebration, a couple Lightsabers and Pucumir Thyrss down.

Captain Han dominates Bespin. I rarely have people put up a decent fight in space. Use Bacta Tank/ Redemption and a pilot and they can never beat you off Bespin.

How to play vs. dominant DS deck types

vs. HDADTJ This deck has the Visage killer, and duel protection. If you don’t want Obi and Luke killed, just run away with Path of Least Resistance. Celebrate and drain. Avoid battles with Vader beacuse those can be painful. Boussh really helps to block Vader’s drain.

Vs. Big Blue Get drains quickly. Don’t spread out your space. Stick to holding Bespin and you’ll be fine.

Vs. Ops Start Battle Plan to slow them down. Obi ROCKS against ops. Use SOS and Pucumir to drain, and Captain to stay in space. Keep them out of space so they have to pay for drains.

Vs. ISB Just fight. Don’t try to drain, just beat them up. Adapt to the ISB that they’re playing.

Vs. Raltiir Ops Ignore them on Raltiir, they can’t drain you too big. If you try to attack Raltiir, that can ghet expensive. Drain and Celebrate and fight if you need to, but like I said, I don’t reccomend going to Raltiir.

Vs. COTVG Ignore them, too. I wouldn’t risk getting my characters fed to the Rancor, and I have seen people pull it off. They probably can’t outdrain you.