Yt-1300s Are Starting To Swarm

Title: Yt-1300s Are Starting To Swarm
Author: Ryan "Yavin0006" Alexander
Date: Mar 19, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Rendezvous Point Hidden Base

Sites Yavin4 x2 Tatoonie Kessel Hoth Courscant Ralltiir Cloud City Guest Quarters Cloud City Lower Corrirdor

Characters Ralltiir Freighter Captain x3 Captain Han Solo x2 Son Of Skywalker x2 Orrimaarko Wedge Antilles Chewbacca Of K DoS x2 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 General Solo

Starships YT-1300 Transport x8 Millennium Falcon x2 X-Wing x3 Red Leader In Red 1 Tantive lV Spiral

Interrupts Darklighter Spin x2 A Few Maneuvers x2 Out Of Nowhere x2

Effects Scramble Kessel Run x3 S-Foils Legenday Starship

Weapons Anikan’s Lightsaber Jedi Lightsaber Intruder Missile x3

Strategy: ‘

Put your mains down on cloud city and all ships in the air and start draining. I like to put a Yt-1300, a RFC, and a X-Wing at every system (then you’ll have power 7 and a draw and I have many tricks up my sleeve for more draws). Combo SoS, Anikans Lightsaber, on Lower Corridor and you’ll have power 7, drain for 4 and can wack guys that come there. I have 3 Kessel Runs , and 3 RFC to make trips when needed. ‘