RTP My Way - Asselin-esque 3 1

Title: RTP My Way - Asselin-esque 3 1
Author: Roland "I_Vader" Sakowski
Date: Mar 21, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting(8) Rescue The Princess/Sometimes I Amaze… Death Star Detention Block Corridor Death Star Docking Bay 327 Yavin 4 Docking Bay Yavin 4 Massassi War Room Liea Organa The Signal Goo Nee Tay

Locations(4) Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Hoth Echo Command Center Endor Back Door

Characters(15) 3x 8D8 2x Artoo 2x Obi-Wan With Lightsaber 2x Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol 2x Luke With Lightsaber 2x Chewie With Blaster Rifle Wedge Antilles Threepio

Vehicles(5) 2x Lift Tube 3x Ronto

Starships(4) Lando In Falcon Spiral Red Leader In Red 1 Gold Leader In Gold 1

Effects(9) 3x Death Star Plans Battle Plan (Start if ISB or Ops) Scramble Wise Advice Cell 2178 What Are You Trying To Push On Us Undercover

Device(1) Landing Claw

Interrupts(14) 3x How Did We Get Into This Mess 2x Nabrun Leids 2x Transmission Terminated Don’t Forget The Droids Strangle Lift Tube Escape Suprise Assault Punch It WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOOW Sorry About The Mess ‘

Strategy: ‘

—-About Reviews—- I am sorry to anyone i offended with my remarks in the last version. ANYONE can review this deck as long as they have knowledge of what the deck does, and can give more than a one or two word review )

—-About The Deck—- Yes i finally decided to make my own RTP deck after seeing Asselin’s, and how well this objective can do at big tournaments, and this is the third version of the deck. I appreciate your reviews ‘cause they have certainly helped to make this an awesome deck Before I get any reviews about this being the same as the Asselin RTP I will say right of the bat that it is essentially the same. As you can probably see the core cards are all still there with some minor changes. I made these changes because of my Gameplay environment, and because i wanted to tech up this baby just a little more.

—-Modifications—- Cell 2178 instead of I’m Here To Rescue You (much more effecient) Extra Chewie w/ Blaster Instead of lando because of the lando in falcon Wise Advice best SAC defense. Leaders+Claw+Punch It More space presence Sorry About the Mess Very useful card against spies, Iggy… Undercover If you are really paranoid of getting Liea killed. Extra Site The only problem with RTP is the activation, with 4 2 icon sites in here that problem is effectivly erased. WHAAAAAOOOOOW With the few number of characters in this deck, you can’t have any eaten by the sarlacc, and placed out of play so this is in. Don’t Forget The Droids Numbers + makes 8D8 alot more useful after Leia is freed. Scramble just read it )

—-Ramifications—- With these modifications this deck is better than ever. The weaknesses i had before are fixed ie. not enough space, manip, protecting liea, releasing liea, and SAC. As before this deck is mainly a battle deck, but can drain a little (2 drain 2 sites) against space it can hold its own with 4 good ships, a few good pilots, great destiny adders, and the ability to retrieve whenever i wish

—-Strategy —- Get 8D8 to the Corridor ASAP, and have 1 Ronto at DDB, and 1 Lift Tube at the Corridor. With 8D8 she is free with a destiny >3 at any time (and with the average destiny in this deck this is a breeze). With Artoo you have to find Cell 2187 (considerably easier to do if you find the cards). After she is free, retrieve your 4 force and use the vehicles to get her to the War Room all in the same turn. In 9 games of playing this deck the latest i have freed her is the 3rd turn (with skill and strategy it is easy). Once you free her protect as best you can (losing her and the objective isn’t the end of the world as you can still D Plans). And use your mains to lay the smack down everywhere. Traking Destinies for D* Plans and fighting is childs play with HDWGITM so your fighting should be lots of fun (for you). Basically to win just FD, Battle, and Retreive. Even with secret plans on the tabel you have no problem as you can track your destinies so you retrive exactly the right amount of force.

Hope you enjoyed this it is alot of fun to play, -Roland ‘