Empire s Sinister Endor Operations II

Title: Empire s Sinister Endor Operations II
Author: Trae "Freak4Life" Cadenhead
Date: Mar 22, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost

Locations (9) Coruscant Death Star Endor Endor Back Door Endor Bunker Endor Dark Forest Endor Forest Clearing Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Kashyyyk

Characters (18) AT-ST Pilot x3 Colonel Dyer x2 Corporal Drelosyn Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Lieutenant Arnet Lieutenant Watts Lt. Pol Treidun Major Marquand Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Officer Evax Sergeant Barich

Creatures (1) Bubo

Vehicles (7) Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Starships (6) Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Death Squadron Star Destroyer Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Executor Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (4) Monnok Twi’lek Advisor x3

Effects (13) Battle Order Establish Secret Base Imperial Arrest Order Imperial Decree Lateral Damage Ominous Rumors Oppressive Enforcement Perimeter Patrol Reactor Terminal Resistance Secret Plans Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

This deck uses the Endor Operations objective differently than most decks do. It actually FLIPS (ghasp) the objective to take advantage of the flipped side. When reviewing this deck please don’t tell me that it’s better to just get out Ominous Rumors and drain in space because that is not what this deck does and I believe this deck has more power to it than the non-flipping Endor Operations decks.

Your starting effect default will be Perimeter Patrol. The only time you will use a different starting effect is if you face a Profit deck, in which case you should use Secret Plans. Perimeter Patrol is going to be a key card in helping you control Endor. It keeps you from having to worry about beatdowns on Endor.

Your first turn, if you have Colonel Dyer or a biker scout (there are two biker scouts in the deck Barich and Drelosyn) in hand then deploy them to the Bunker to put the text of Perimeter Patrol into effect. If Dyer was the character that you deployed to the Bunker then you may want to pull out Ominous Rumors on the first turn, though it wouldn’t hurt to wait until the second turn.

To flip the objective you have to have Ominous Rumors and Establish Secret Base on table. Ominous Rumors is very easy to get out, but ESB is a bit more difficult. You have to control three Endor sites with AT-STs or biker scouts. Since AT-STs are a large part of this deck, they will be your main help in deploying ESB. However, as mentioned earlier, I have included 2 biker scouts in this deck. They are in the deck specifically to help flip the objective by having them at the Bunker. The biker scouts also have a couple of side benefits (they can drive the AT-STs, they benefit from Imperial Arrest Order, and they can be retrieved with the flipped objective). If you have a biker scout at the Bunker, then you will only have to deploy one more Endor site in order to control and flip. I have flipped the objective on the second turn before

Once your objective is flipped you have options to work with. You will be enjoying some very nice force drains with ESB and Ominous Rumors. However, be careful in space. Don’t go control a system besides Endor if you think that you will get your ships beat on bad. There is a nice array of ships in this deck. I usually like to use Executor to control Endor (if possible) because it is so hard to get rid of (yeah, I know, B-wing decks can take care of it…I haven’t seen one of those in a long time, though).

By controlling systems and sites you can take advantage of Imperial Decree and Battle Order to slow opponent’s drains while meanwhile you are draining heavily. You do have some power to go attack if you want with Vader, Mara, and whatever AT-STs aren’t tied up on Endor.

This objective has a lot of power to it and makes it extremely difficult for the opponent to come fight on Endor (which makes the draining so much more painful). Since my last version of the deck I have added a few cards. I added Monnok for those situations where the opponent has a huge hand and you want so bad to do something about it. I decided to use Back Door despite the fact that it lets the opponent move to the Bunker (the drain of 2 was too good to pass up). I added Undercover spy protection with Bubo and Lt. Pol Treidun (the one thing that I was kind of worried about was spies coming to spoil the drains). Now I believe this deck is very well rounded and can stand up to just about anything.

As I said earlier, start Secret Plans against Profit decks. Also start with Mara at the AC. First turn grab her stick and move her to JP for a nice drain of 3.

Well, that’s about all there is to say about this deck. Please don’t tell me that I need Sense/Alter protection because I don’t have hardly anything that can be affected by Sense or Alter. I do have a grabber and Oppressive Enforcement for the little bit of help I may need against Sense/Alter. I thank you in advance for reviewing the deck. Have a great day ‘