Muhahahahahahaha (Harvest)

Title: Muhahahahahahaha (Harvest)
Author: Andy "RexBanner7" Klema
Date: Mar 22, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (9) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Hoth Echo Command Center Rendezvous Point Tatooine Lars Moisture Farm Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hut Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi Ruins Yavin 4 Massassi War Room

Starships (5) Gold Leader Lando in Millenium Falcon Red Leader Spiral Tantive IV

Characters (23) Ben Kenobi x2 Beru Lars x2 B’omarr Monk Bothan Spy x2 Boushh Chewbacca Han with Gun x2 Leia with Gun Luke with Lightsaber Master Luke x2 Obi-Wan Kenobi Oola x2 Orrimaarko Owen Lars x2 Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles

Effects (7) Bacta Tank Civil Disorder Do Or Do Not Insurrection Mechanical Failure Order to Engage Wise Advice

Interrupts (16) Careful Planning Don’t Forget the Droids x2 Harvest x5 Nar Shadda Wind Chimes Shocking Information x2 Tunnel Vision x5 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Simply put, Harvest is a great deck. This is probably the best way to play it. I don’t play Revo’s in this deck for 3 reasons 1. I play more mains, so I don’t rely on Force Choke. 2. There is a lot of anti-revo going on. 3. I didn’t want to have to make the room. The deck works pretty simple. The twix sites hampers your opponents activation, and greatly enhances yours. Drain at your opponents sites while retrieving every so often with Harvest. Let me stress this part Grabbers do NOT kill Harvest. Yes the limit the retrieval, but if you pull off every Harvest in your deck, you still retrieve 20 force in the game. That wins games for you. The only way people are going to stop the Harvesting is with a whole mess of characters, or Trample. Trample isn’t in every deck, so when it happens, it happens. That’s why there are multiple Owens and Berus. But if a whole lot of characters come down, they’re trapped there. Slap down Insurrection, and spread out on their sites. If they spread out, hammer them. You have the technology. Mains still make any game close, even if Harvest is stopped. Little bits of extra tech. CHYBC is no problem. B’omarr makes Obi’s Hut a battleground. Extra drain and problem solved. Oola and Civil Disorder creates a virtual lock on opponent. Use it to spread out, and cause force loss. Vs certain decks

HuntDown Good matchup. Nar Shadda + 2 Bothans as well as Boushh = no Visage. I don’t see dueling around here. It’s a meta decision not to put the interrupts in. If you need them, use them. Vader can be taken out easily, spread to drain.

Raltiir Ops Tawss Khaa and non main characters (Orrimaarko, etc) can invade Raltiir.Get the Oola lock going for extra damage.

Ops Order to Engage is in here for generic Ops. Shockers are for manipulator version, or any other manipulator, and Don’t Forget the Droids are for Raithal #s.

Big Blue Necessary Ships to hold a system, or at least cause a problem in space. Mech Failure for a nasty walker beatdown. High desinies help to take out people.

Any questions, e-mail me BEFORE you review. Thanks. ‘