X-Wing Spread and Drain

Title: X-Wing Spread and Drain
Author: Adam "Vincent Vega" Beauchamp
Date: Mar 26, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective - 1 Hidden Base / Systems Will Slip….

Locations - 9 Rendezvous Point Kiffix x2 Kessel Coruscant Kashyyyk Chandrilia (sp?) Tatooine Tibrin

Characters - 3 Obi-wan with Saber Luke with Saber Boushh

Starships - 16 X-Wing x14 Red Leader in Red 1 x2

Interupts - 21 4 The Signal 4 Organized Attack 4 Rebel Barrier 4 Tunnel Visions 2 All Wings Report In 2 Transmission Terminated 1 It Could Be Worse

Effects - 8 Yarna D’al’ Gargan S-Foils Draw Their Fire Frozen Assets Wise Advice What’re You Trying… x2 Eject Eject

Weapons - 2 X-wing Laser Cannon ‘

Strategy: ‘

I’m not trying to claim that this is the most original deck, but I was seeing way to many versions of this deck without at least 3 rebel barriers. In my oppinion it is crucial to the decks success. I always start Yarna no matter what. Against almost all decks I set up all my planets with a ship at coruscant, kiffex, and kessel for drains, and the others for their activation. I leave an x-wing by itself at the good drain locations whenever I have a barrier in hand vs. most decks. I Like the chandrilia because often it will be a force drain -1 site and it is a good middle parsec of 4. I don’t pack TK-422 because Bubo is quite popular these days. Only play the Luke or Obi as suicides, unless it is late game and you need to get around Battle Plan when both decks are running thin. Eject Eject is for Fett, and for emergency vs. Zuckus when you can’t draw the cannon. The tunnel visions are for more consistency and making it easier to flip early when I need to. Here is what I do vs. particular strategies.

Ralltiir Ops - This is the most popular deck in my area. I usually start by searching for Chandrilia, deploy an x-wing there and move it to Ralltiir, especially if I have a Barrier. This forces them to come to space before they can flip, and then I drill them. I usully don’t play the planets that give them force, and wait until later in the game for the flip, unless they flip fast, then I speed my play up. Hold the cannons until they play zuckus, and if he is by himself deploy some x-wings, shoot him wiht 2 force so he is lost at the end of the battle and they will loose a few cards. Signal for Eject Eject when Fett in S1 comes out as he is quite hard to shoot. Making them come to space is key in this match up as I have a barrier for almost all of their ships.

Hunt Down w/ Duel - This deck sees a bit of play in my area. I usually use the tunnel visions to flip as soon as possible (3rd or 4th turn). Giving this deck force really isn’t that big of a deal since the ships in this deck are usually dreadnaughts, and sometimes Bounty Hunters. I usually have a barrier handy for every ship in the deck. Always use the objective to search for Trans. Terms. and draw them. Once you use one get Tibrin under control and Visage will never stay on the table long. I consider this a pretty good match-up for my deck.

Hunt Down w/ out Dueling - This is a bit harder than the duel vs because of the many pilots it usually plays. This is one of the decks where putting a lone x-wing at a spot is a bad idea. Put them in groups of 4 at the good drain locations and make the opponent come to you. I usually just get the 2/1 systems until I think my hand is good, and then get the other 1/2, 2/2 syatems for the flip.

Court - This deck can be trouble because of the objectives search enjine, but reble barrier really screws this deck up, making them waste turns coming to the air. If they try to come one ship at a time, just use the cannons on zuckuss, and beat up on the others. I don’t see this deck play many more than 4 ships often, so it should be pretty safe to flip as fast as possible and put single x-wings at coruscant, Kiffex, and Kessel as long as you have a barrier or 2 in hand. I think I have the advantage in this match-up unless they play search and destroy to go along with their objective. Tunnel Vision really helps out in this matchup by letting me flip really fast to race their damage.

Operatives - Use the tunnel visions to flip as soon as possible, because this will be a drain race. If they come to the air, barrier and drill. Once you flip you should be able to drain for a little bit more than them. If they spread to thin trying to outdrain you, use Luke and Obi to clear out a site. This game should be fast as neither player really does much to stop the other players plans. I used to play The Planet its farthest from, but Ops sees so little play in my area, I dropped it for the extra RL in R1.

Dark Deal - I think this is a good match up unless they get a good ship draw. I usually just send all my guys to bespin and barrier the three bounty hunter ships. It usually take this deck awhile to set up shop so I just flip as fast as possible and get them off their game. If I can keep them chasing me around in the air I can usuall catch them with a beatdown and a few good drains to win this one. This match takes patience though, since they pack so many ships.

Thats about all the popular decks in my area right now, and I think I can do good vs. most of them. Thanks for reading.