Flexible HDADTJ Mains and Toys Ver 2 0

Title: Flexible HDADTJ Mains and Toys Ver 2 0
Author: Alex "george3785" George
Date: Mar 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out of the Universe

Locations (9) Executor Meditation Chamber Executor HoloTheator Endor Backdoor Death Star Endor Cloud City Downtown Plaza Endor Landing Platform Endor Forest cLearing Endor Dark Forest

Characters (19) Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader x2 EPP Vader x2 Mara Jade x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 DS-61-2 DS-61-3 IG-88 with Riot Gun x2 4-Lom with Concussion Rifle Admiral Ozzel Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle Dengar with Concussion Rifle Dr. Evason Commander Igar

Weapons (3) Vaders Lightsaber x2 Mara Jades Lightsaber

Vehicles (2) Tempest 1 Blizzard 2

Creatures (1) Bubo

Starships (6) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hounds Tooth Dreadnaught x2 Executor

Interrupts (10) Twilek Advisor x2 Alter x2 Sniper x2 Evader x2 Torture

Effects (7) Security Precautions Secret Plans Visage of the Emperor x2 Come Here You Big Coward Imperial Arrest Order Battle Order Crush the Rebellion Presence of the force x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Strategy edit This is a very powerful version of Huntdown that is very effective against most decktypes out right now. It is very strong and there are not many holes in its strategy. With the sites I have enough battle grounds to flip the objective, but I dont give too much force to the opponent with all my non battle ground sites. If they deploy to a nonbattle ground site they might not be able to force drain due to CHYBC and I’ll be getting enough force to send a massive beatdown down. It has many weapons to make Dr. Evazon very effective for major force loss. The Imperial Arrest Order is very powerful due to the number of ability 2 imps in my deck and to stop a Nabrun Lieds beatdown crew. Sense and Alter will mess up the opponents plans and sniper can cause for opponents characters and spies to be lost.

VS. Ops Deploy Battle Order and go down on the Renegade Planet and crush them not letting them flip their obj.

VS. MWYHL Start Broken Concentration to stop tracked destinies. Prepare for a beatdown so make sure you have enough power at one sites to stop an EPP party dead in its tracks.

VS. ECC obj Go down on Cloud City and control enough sites to stop them from flipping. Force Drain therew and get out Downtown plaza for walkers.

VS EJP Obj Start Mara and Boba Fett if you dont think there is going to be a huge beatdown right off the bat. That way the cant move or deploy Boushh or lando there. Then set up more characters there to back them up and force drain.

I hope you like this deck and I would Love some Constructive Feedback. This is my second version. I hope you like it.