Shut Down

Title: Shut Down
Author: Zell "Krogoth" Davidson
Date: Mar 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations Throne Room (SL) Rendevous Point Hoth War Room Chirpa’s Hut Obi’s Hut Yoda’s Hut Farm (Starting w Careful Planning) Swamp (Starting w Careful Planing)

Characters Luke w Saber x3 Obi w Saber x2 Obi-Wan Kenobi Orrimaarko Leia w Blaster x2 Han w Blaster x2 Oola x4

Creatures Nudj x2

Interupts Shocking Information Alter x3 Sense x3 Grimtaash x2 Tunnel Vision x2 Glancing Blow The Signal x2 Courage Of A Skywalker x2 Girft Of The Mentor Careful Planning (Starting) TT x2

Starships Spiral GLiG1 RLiR1 Lando In Falcon

Effects Obi’s Cape Bacta Tank Trafic Control Sarvip Order To Engage Draw Thier Fire Civil Disorder Battle Plan ‘

Strategy: ‘

Use Oola to scan thier hand and keep those horroble Vaders and those big imperial generals and captians out of reach. You should get these effects out as soon as possible and then beat ‘em down with the charecters. The obis cape is there because most of these charecters do not have immumity to attrition (you should probably give the cape to obi w saber or Luke). There are a few recycleable destinies that should be combined with some of the Courage of a Skywalker or Glancing blow if they do manage to get Vader past Oola. This deck should win easily if you play it correctly and get the right effects out fast. ‘