Pote Holds Court

Title: Pote Holds Court
Author: Michael "rayc" Hawley
Date: Mar 28, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Court of the Vile Gangster/I Shall

Locations (9) Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber(s) Jabba’s Palace Dungeon(s) Tatooine Great Pit of Carkoon(s) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars Moisture Farm Tatooine x2

Characters (18) Pote Snitkin x3 Skrilling x14 ECC 4-LOM

Creatures (1) Bubo

Starships (4) Boba Fett in Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Dengar in Punishing 1 Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Effects (19) 3720 to 1 x5 Ability, Ability, Ablility Scum and Villainy x2 Do or Do Not (normal start) Secret Plans (normal start) Bad Feeling Have I No Bargain Tatooine Occupation First Strike Imperial Arrest Order There’ll be Hell To Pay Well Guarded Battle Order Den of Thieves

Interrupts(8) Twilek Advisor x3 Surface Defense (normal start) Abyssin Ornament x2 Ghyyk None Shall Pass ‘

Strategy: ‘

Response to Eric (bounty22) I know that the tatooine occupation is stretching it. But because of the ability to pull starships, I think I can hold for a couple turns and it is probably not expected. Jabba would spoil the Odds so he is out. Search and destroy will not work with the Skrillings (they are destiny 4). I know Pote is vulnerable, that is why I have 3 copies of Pote plus No Bargain, Bad Feeling, and Imperial Arrest order. If they want to play, they have to pay. If they activate to pay, they pop the 3720 to 1. I agree about maybe a few more Skrillings but there is nothing I really want to take out. I also think it could use another Hell to Pay.

Response to Kjerg Thanks for the favorable review. There actually is one There’ll be Hell To Pay in there. I might add another.

Original Strategy notes You have 5 ways of dealing damage Inserts, Force Drains, Ability x3, Battles, Tatooine Occupation.

You have 3 sources of retrieval Scum and Villainy, First Strike, Abyssin Ornament

The COTVG objective and the new bounty hunter ships help very nicely with the Skrilling deck’s weakness against Hidden Base. Since the ships deploy from the reserve deck and you have a bunch of other cards that let you look at your reserve deck, you don’t need many ships. Wait til your opponent flips then probe quickly but carefully. Tattoine serves 2 purposes in this deck. It gives you a way to satisfy Battle Plan, if your opponent plays it. And you can use it for Tatooine Occupation. Don’t forget that you can use your Pote/Scum enhanced Skrillings as cheap forfeit fodder on the ships. Just beware of the Mega Swarm (Dengar will help a little with this) and the X-Wing laser cannon.

Against Profit, put Pote and a Skrilling at the chamber and use Twilek to either put down Ability x3 or a first turn insert. Defend the Chamber with the Skrillings.

Against Ops, start Battle Order. If they are using a battleground planet like Bothui or Raltir, you are golden. You can get Zuckuss in Mist Hunter out of your reserve deck and satisfy Battle Order. Your opponent can’t use the Landing claw and his leader cards total destiny will be zero. Even with Speeder Ops, you can go toe to toe with beatdown ability. But be careful, if he goes and kills Pote with EPPs and then brings the speeder beatdown, you had better have that Ghyyk in hand.

Against MWYHL start Bad Feeling. Get the insert going as quickly as possible. Spread and drain and occupy. But, if you see the beatdown buildup coming (opponent has a good sized hand and is saving force), consolidate as much as possible.

In most cases you will want to Initiate battle as often as you can. With Scum + First Strike you will retreive 3 and your opponent will lose 1. If you manage this carefully, your supply of Skrillings and Starships will seem inexhaustible.

4-Lom is in there because he is a destiny 3 which does not hurt the odds too much. He can mess with Ben’s gametext which can be huge in a showdown at the audience chamber. He can also join Zuckuss in Mist Hunter for an extra destiny (if Bossk is there, that’s 3 – not too shabby).

Cheese anyone? ‘