RalOps with Suicide Vaders

Title: RalOps with Suicide Vaders
Author: J.D. "Talz" LaCure
Date: Mar 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(4) Raltiir Operations Raltiir Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Characters(17) Darth Vader with Light Saber(3) Grand Moff Tarkin Lietenant Cabbel Officer Evax Captain Lennox Trooper Davin Felth DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Lietenant Arnet Major Marquand AT-ST Pilot(3) U-3PO

Creatures(1) Bubo

Vehicles(7) Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Starships(6) Bossk in Zuckuss in Dengar in Boba in IG-88 in Dreadnaught

Locations(8) Spaceport Docking Bay Jungle Swamp Desert Spaceport Street Kiffex Kashyyk Death Star

Effects(7) Resistance First Strike Security Precautions Ability, Ability, Ability ABCTTU There’ll be hell to pay(2)

Interrupts(10) Hutt Smooch I have you now Alter Control(2) Ghhhk(2) You are Beaten(3) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Okay, first off, card explanations. Bubo- eats Nudjs and annoying characters U-3PO- hey, he’s an undercover spy, one card too Resistance- its numbers and big drain protection in 1 Ability x3- your opponent can simply run out of characters because of attrition SAC- in case your opponent tries to sense reacts, and you can alter Bacta Tank and stuff.

The other cards should be self-exlanatory

Now for strats,

The first turn you pull <>DB and a <>site, you will probably need to draw to get more cards for flipping. Then when you have the cards and enough force, flip in one turn. For the rest of the game you get out your combos, Death Star/ABCTTU, Suicide Vader/First Strike, Starships/Systems. If you play smart you can win easily.

Against specific decks,

VS Hidden Base You won’t be starting Security Precautions, IAO is more important, and you can pull it when you flip. Your starships won’t be able to stand up to a dedicated space deck, but the added attrition helps a lot. Keep them away from Raltiir itself. If they come to the ground, attack with Vader.

VS Profit Try to get out ABCTTU quickly, most Profit decks are character-heavy, so you may have trouble keeping them off Raltiir. But you should out drain them, the only thing doing damage would be the Obj. and a few drains.

VS Speeder Ops There is a very real threat of a speeder beat down, so play carefully, they shouldn’t have much space power. ABCTTU+Obj flipped=no drains for them.

VS MWYHL If they train to 5, you should have time to drain them out, but if they don’t, you shouldn’t have too much trouble because neither of the first two jedi tests affect you very much.

VS Anything else Odd decks shouldn’t give this deck too much trouble. Just play smart and make them play defensively.

The Weaknesses,

Force Choke decks can really hurt, especially if they follow up with masses of forces to Raltiir. There are no Evaders because none of your sites are effectively revolved.

An early ship to Raltiir can really hurt, but you can kick them out with your ships.

Considering the addition of… Presence of the Force(2) Mara Jade/Lightsaber

All CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome.

Thank you, Talz ‘