Why Americans own Europeans/Canadians

Title: Why Americans own Europeans/Canadians
Author: joe "brangus" horbey
Date: Mar 30, 2000 Rating: 3.0



‘Starting(5) Hidden Base Rendezvous Point Corulag (Hidden Base) The Signal Goo Nee Tay


Bespin (for cc celebration) Corulag (activation, -1 drain for opp.) Dagobah (pull yoda’s hut for 7 act. 2nd) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut (Extra Gen.) CC Carbo Chamber (drain) CC Lower Corridor (drain) CC Leia’s Hut (Extra Gen. -1 drain) CC West Gallery (Extra Gen. -1 drain)


Obi-Wan Kenobi x3 (Powerhouse) Son Of Skywalker x3 (Powerhouse) Han With Gun x2 (Destiny With Luke) Boushh x2 (anti-hunt down, anti-drain) Wedge Antilles (Pilot, Destiny, Fodder) Melas (Anti-SCREW, Anti-ZiMH) Pucimer Thryss (Drain) Chewie With Gun (Pilot, Power, Weapon) KFC (Pilot, Nice Text, Fodder) BoShek (Anti-SCREW, Anti-ZiMH) Harc Seff (Pilot, Anti-Op, Anti-DD) Orrimarko (Ability to hold a site)


RLIR1 (Hold system, Hit and Run) GLIG1 (‘ ‘) Tantive IV (Anti-ISB, Anti-TIE, Hold) Spiral (Hold System) Lando In Falcon (Leg. Starfighter, Hold)


Bacta Tank Battle Plan (Anti-Op, Anti-Speed Drain) CC Celebration x2 (Nice Retrieval) Do, Or Do Not Legendary Starfighter TPTIFF (Anti-anything that drains) Uncontrollable Fury (Anti-Vader) WYTTPU (Anti-SCREW, SAC, Recyclable Des) Wise Advice (Anti-SAC)


Annie’s Stick Ben’s Stick x2


Clash Of Stix x2 (Anti PoTF, Battle) Effective Repairs (CC Celebration Ret.) Glancing Blow (Beatdown, Anti-Duel) Path Of The Least Resistant x2 (Tech) Smoke Screen x2 (Site Clearer) Tunnel Vision x3 (Get what you need)

Strategy: ‘

Well, as you can see, I’ve listed what almost every card is in there for…but in case you didn’t read above, here is some tech you may not understand. BTW, don’t tell me to add CCDowntown Plaza because that’s an exterior site, and right now, DS owns exterior. Besides, you can’t use Path outdoors.


Legendary Starfighter- Play on falcon, then move falcon to dagobah. Next land falcon at hut. That’s a ls visage for the rest of the game.

Path Of The Least Resistance- Possibly one of the most versatile cards in the game. A nabrun during battle, what else could you ask for? Beatdown, run away, or force drain. Don’t forgot that you can use this badboy on Executor.

Deck Specs

VS. Huntdown

You are at an advantage because you will both be losing from the visage, but you will be retrieving with CC Celebration. Try to get out SOS or Obi A.S.A.P. to a site with there stick. This shouldn’t be hard with 3 sos, 3 obi, and 3 tunnel visions. Your drains will be superior with Pucimer, in fact, your total possible drain potential at cc sites is 12 Vader and Tarkin will be no match for Smoke Screen And Sabers. If he is playing Epic Duel, then Path away from vader as he is deployed, and beat him down with other characters. Goo Nee Tay should slow him down in the beginning to give you time to set up your drains.


For this game, start Battle Plan. If it is ISB Choke, then you are at an advantage. If it is ISB Dump and Drain, then you are at a disadvantage. Setup your drains and CC Celebration quickly. Against D&D, send Hark with a few nasties to shut him down on at least 3 drains. Try to take out his other characters with your 4 ability guys. In the end, Battle Plan and CC Celebration will win. Against ISB Choke, he will have to come to your sites, and his only real characters are Vader, Tarkin, and 4-lom. Try to beat these guys off of CC quickly, after this, simply setup your celebration and drain. If he is playing Big Blue then beware of his ships, CC Celebration may not be so easy to setup.


Start Battle Plan. You are at an advantage in this game. Get your Mains and Celebration churning as usual, but you will need to set up TPTIFF to nullify his heavy drains. As with Dump and Drain, go down with Harc, and thats game. Your drains will be superior, as will your retrieval.

VS. Court

You are at a disadvantage. Beware of your mains getting captured. Make sure to clash key characters in battle, I.E., Bossk, IGGY, or 4-Lom. Hopefully Celebration and Drains will win, but be prepared to fight.

This deck is very solid, and will win the majority of its games, not many decks can promise that. Though it has weaknesses vs. certain deck types, like dark side odds, but not many people play these decks. No deck is perfect, but Id like to think this deck is close.