I Just Want To Celebrate (Yeah Yeah) v 2

Title: I Just Want To Celebrate (Yeah Yeah) v 2
Author: Lenny "gonzo86" Rubin
Date: Mar 31, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective (1)

Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers (start)

Locations (10)

Rendezvous Point (start)

HB Indicator (start)


Dagobah Yoda’s Hut


Cloud City Guest Quarters

Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City North Corridor

CLoud City Lower Corridor

Characters (15)

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Son Of Skywalker

Luke With Lightsaber

Daughter Of Skywalker

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol


Wedge Antilles

Lieutenant Tarn Mison (start vs. CCT)

Toryn Farr

Jeroen Webb

Momaw Nadon

Pucumir Thryss x2

Starships (5)

Lando In Millennium Falcon

Tantive IV


Redemption x2

Interrupts (20)

Sense x3

Alter x2

The Signal x2 (1x start)

Smoke Screen x2

Effective Repairs x2

Rebel Barrier x2

Path Of Least Resistance x2

Ambush x2

Transmission Terminated x2

Courage Of A Skywalker

Effects (8)


Battle Plan


Goo Nee Tay

Traffic Control

Bacta Tank

Cloud City Celebration

What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us?

Weapons (1)

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘

First of all, kudos to TJ for coming up with this great deck design. I just changed some of the defensive cards a little bit to suit my own personal preferences and my local meta.

On the 1st turn get Dagobah and Hut, 2nd turn get Bespin. Those are the only 2 reasons I use the objective. I never flip it.

Unlike TJ’s deck, I included Pucumir Thryss in this deck (2 of him in fact). This deck’s space strategy, as explained below, can deal with most dark decks trying to get decree running once you get set up. Pucumir is amazing. He makes your drains go from good to unstoppable. Too bad there’s no LS Mosep (

My choice of mains is also suited to my own personal style. One Obi is fine, and his saber isn’t necessary. I prefer DOS, EPP Leia, and EPP Han to Boushh and TK-422. The reason is that this deck really doesn’t have problems with drain decks, and Bespin needs all the estra defense it can get.

2 Redemptions because they are awesome with Bacta Tank, and once you get it out with a high-forfeit pilot, the spacelanes are yours to rule.

Here’s how my space strategy works

Get Bacta Tank out (I use Effective Repairs to protect against SHUOSHD). Then deploy ships and pilots (who get forfeit +2 from Insurrection) If they battle, send one pilot for a bath while they lose a ship (maybe). On your turn, redeploy the pilot. You can just keep healing and redeploying your characters endlessly until they do something about the Tank. (Then I play Effective Repairs and do it again.)

Courage is better than Glancing Blow in this deck, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Ambush’s take care of Undercover Spies and 5D6. Ultimatum is good #s protection and is awesome vs. ISB, which is still reasonably popular in my area. Ultimatum is very versatile and has won me many games. Coupled with Battle Plan and your space strategy, it is amazing.


vs. RalOps Start Insurrection. Do NOT start Battle Plan, because they can get going in space faster than you can, and Battle Plan will hurt you more than your opponent until you can get your ships going. Don’t deploy anything to Ralltiir. You should have decent drains even once they flip because of our pal Pucumir. If they’re running Decree, fight in space. You should have the upper hand in the air, unless they’re running SHUOSHD, in which case you can grab it w/ Push On Us and play Effective Repairs.

vs. Hunt Down Visage is not a problem, because you have 2 TT’s and 2 spies, as well as Celebration. I’ve been thinking of adding Oola, because if they pick up Vader during their move phase, you use Oola’s text during your control phase and pick him off. Tell me what you think. If they’re using Elis, Insurrection stops him. Only one Obi and 2 Lukes make duels unlikely, but just in case, you have Courage Of A Skywalker.

vs. ISB Start Ultimatum no matter what. Set up mormally, and try to get Battle Plan out. Battle occasionally and their crippled drains, your big drains, and Celebration should win you the game, but in the 1st half of the game, it may look like they’re ahead.

Well that’s about it. I’ll probably add Oola, because she kills Huntdown.

Thanks for your help,

Lenny Rubin