Battle Order

Title: Battle Order
Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Mar 31, 2000 Rating: 4.0




Death Star Battle Order Twilek Advisor


Endor Kashyyyk Endor Back Door Endor Forest Clearing Endor Dark Forest CC Downtown Plaza


Darth Vader x2 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2 Drath Vader w/ Lightsaber Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Admiral Ozzel Commander Igar Officer Evax Captain Needa Admiral Motti Mara Jade, The Emporers Hand Djas Phur 4-LOM w/ Concussion Rifle IG-88 w/ Riot Gun

Weapons (3)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2


Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Avenger Devastator Executor Dreadnaught Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hound’s Tooth


Sense x5 Alter x4 You Are Beaten x2 Elis Helrot x2 The Circle is Now Complete Weapon Leviation Masterful Move x2 Monnok x2 I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Wookiee


Come Here, You Big Coward Security Precautions First Strike Resistance ‘

Strategy: ‘

The basics of this deck are there, control both battlegrounds you need to control the game. The spread mechanics are there, along with the heavy packages of SAC, you should do fine.

vs. Profit Start Mara and Djas and drop Vader and Tarkin there first chance you get. Save your Senses for thier destiny adders and the Someone Who Loves You and you should be fine. Getting CHYBC out stops retrieval most of the time too.

vs. Hidden Base Obviously, start BATTLE ORDER. Dont start Security, if you draw it then play it, but dont start it. Using Battle Order youre forcing them to commit to the ground w/ Vader, Tarkin, and the Walkers, w/ usually only a few EPPs. Do NOT deploy your ships until after theyve flipped, so you can get a few quick probes. Spread and drain on the ground.

vs. Ops You can spread like them…..Mara and Vader are one man wrecking crews, Vader’s tougher w/ Tarkin too. Drop your Walkers and stuff and just battle. Dont spread too thin or the speeders might kill you(this deck HAD a Ghhhk instead of a Monnok so change it if you feel it’s necassary). Battle Order should wear them down after a long while.

vs. Mains Battle Order kills them. Youll have more ships than them on the most part, and if they spread too thinly, Zuckuss will finish them off. You have enough dudes to overpower them most of the time, but if you see Ben and Luke together its better to just let them have the site and spread out elsewhere. Use Elis’s and your SAC wisely, and pick your battles.Tracking the 6’s and using First Strike/Weapon Lev/Circle to kill Ben is devastating to them.

vs. MWYHL Again, spread….they do X-wings, fine….you may want to just let them have Kessel or wherever they have a crapload of ships. Spread on you own terms. Draw your battleground sites, and spread wisely. If the X-wing force is small, smash them w/ Destroyers and Zuckuss.

vs. anything else Use Battle Orders to your advantage. Uncontrollables get canceled by the You Are Beatens, which has alot of other obvious advantages. Everything else is pretty much ol skool so figure it out.

Any comments and suggestions would be nice, but try to see if the problem you see with the deck really CANT be solved first.

The Brahma Bull