Girard s Vegas Style

Title: Girard s Vegas Style
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Apr 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘CCT/My Favorite Decoration CC Carbo Chamber CC Security Tower JP Audience Chamber Dag Cave CC Casino x2 EPP Vader x3 Lando Calrissian x2 (one is foily…i like shiny cards) Ephant Man x2 IG-88 w/Gun x2 4lom w/canceler x2 (this and ig88 recurring is tooo good) Dengar w/speeder counter Jabba the Hutt (not to sure about this one…may change to U3PO) Boelo Cpl. Prescott (this guy is tech) Carbonite Chamber Console (cause I have to) Interrogation Array (not to sure on this one…it has worked though) Bossk in the Bus Fett in Roadster Zuckass in BMW CHYBC There is No Try (sure go ahead and sense my sabacc…i’ll just get it back -) IAO Expand the Empire (start a casino franchise at the tower) Failure at the Cave (I love the look on my opponents face when DOS just walked across dagobah to cancel failure at the cave, then on her way back….it reappears -) Crush the Rebellion (I am paranoid of Revolution) Secret Plans Resistence Security Precautions Broken Concentration (great lock card) There’ll be Hell to Pay (cause you need at least one) Battle Order (start vs. ops) CC Sabacc x6 Twilek Advisor x2 (I need IAO and Crush in a hurry) Scanning Crew x4 (shocking info don’t faze me none) Frustration x2 (anti-catch card tech) Trooper Sabacc x2 (I like variety in gambling…it’s like switching from hold em to omaha -) Evader Fear (good if they are stacking perfect sabaccs) Unexpected Interruption (I’ll go get a sabacc -) Surface Defense Imperial Barrier (cause you can’t be too cautious) ‘

Strategy: ‘

[TECH UPDATE] - For those of you that are not able to look at a decklist and see the tech therein, I guess I have to explain it to you jabronis.

Casino + Expand the Empire = a safe place to play sabacc, nestled away in the prison. the site setup goes carbonite chamber/security tower/casino. That way I can still retreive and not be susceptable to beatdown.

Why trooper sabaccs? You don’t retreive with them. Well I’ll tell you why. If for some god awful reason my opponent catches my CC sabacc, I can still cause more damage with the trooper sabaccs, and besides lando still adds one or subtracts one. And before you say he doesn’t, you had better go read him again. [END TECH UPDATE]

This deck takes an experienced person to play it well. It relys on perfect timing and knowing when to play certain interrupts.

Frustration - gets rid of catch cards Scanning crew - Rebel or no

the epp hit squads that constantly recurr are amazing, they just deal with characters that are annoying, and die. Next turn they return as you retreive by winning sabacc. I still don’t know why more people don’t play sabacc, with the casino, you have a chance to deal your opponent damage and you gain life all in one card. It’s amazing. ‘