MWYHL you will not be saved

Title: MWYHL you will not be saved
Author: J.D. "Talz" LaCure
Date: Apr 5, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(4) MWYHL Dagobah The Signal Battle Plan

Characters(11) Yoda Obi with Stick Obi Wan Kenobi Son of Skywalker Luke Skywalker Daughter of Skywalker Commander Wedge Antilles Derek Klivian Biggs Darklighter Jeron Webb Kal’Falnl C’ndros

Weapons(2) Anakin’s Lightsaber Obi Wan’s Lightsaber

Starships(8) Lando in Gold Leader in Gold 1 Red Squadron X-Wing (3) Gold Squadron Y-Wing (3)

Jedi Tests(2) Great Warrior A Jedi’s Strength

Locations(10) Yoda’s Hut Bog Clearing Swamp Jungle Training Area Downtown Plaza Lower Corridor Courscant Kiffex Kessel

Effects(6) Yoda’s Hope Uncontrollabe Fury Draw Their Fire Bacta Tank Projection of a Skywalker(2)

Interrupts(17) Smoke Screen Transmission Terminated Star Destroyer Noble Sacrifice Clash of Sabers(2) Don’t Forget the Droids(2) Tunnel Vision(2) The Signal(3) Organized Attack(4) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well, this deck starts out normally, get out the Dagobah Sites, Yoda, and training stuff. Try to use Daughter, but if you can’t, resort to Son of. You should have little trouble setting up drains in space, but be careful of setting up drains on CC. Your opponent can easily overwhelm you if their deck is ground based. Most decks succumb to the drains in space, but if you can’t, put down the CC sites. Your characters should mostly be battling, not draining.

Some card explanation… Luke Skywalker- he’s a good and cheap pilot, good for the tank, and to activate Couruscant text the squadron ships- they ARE powerful enough, I don’t like normal X-wings only testing to 2- I may add in the last three, but this is effective the sites- the Dagobah sites for activation/anti Broken Concentration Clash of Sabers- even with CTR, they can really screw your opponent

that should be most of the disputable ones…

Anyway, now for vs. certain decks…

VS ISB They won’t have bonuses, and that will screw them, unless they have a lot of ships, you should drain them out

VS Court You probably will never go to Tatooine, and that will hurt, but Projections keep their drains close to nill

VS Hunt Down I’ve added several cards to cancel Visage, fight when you have to, but most of the time you will be playing defensively

VS Dark Deal They don’t get bonuses, you battle and drain, they die

VS Endor Operations Whether space or ground based, they get no bonuses, and they die

Wow, you read it all (that wasn’t too hard ))

Thank you, Talz ‘