My Smackdown Has A 1st Name Its Ralltiir

Title: My Smackdown Has A 1st Name Its Ralltiir
Author: Brody "Short_Punk" Hughes
Date: Apr 6, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(4) Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire Ralltiir Twi’lek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Locations(5) Forest Swamp Jungle Spaceport Street Spaceport Prefect’s Office

Characters(22) 2x Darth Vader With Lightsaber Darth Vader Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Vader 2x Grand Moff Tarkin DS-61-2 DS-61-3 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle IG-88 With Riot Gun Lieutenant Commander Ardan General Veers Commander Igar Lieutenant Arnet Major Marquand Captain Piett 3x AT-ST Pilot Trooper Davin Felth Admiral Motti General Tagge

Weapons(1) Vader’s Lightsaber

Starships(5) Avenger Conquest Devastator Thunderflare Boba Fett In Slave 1

Vehicles(6) 2x Tempest Scout Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 6

Effects(10) Empire’s New Order There Is No Try Oppressive Enforcement Bad Feeling Have I Battle Order Come Here You Big Coward 2x Presence Of The Force Reactor Terminal Security Precautions

Interrupts(7) 2x Torture 2x Elis Helrot Twi’lek Advisor Sniper Monnok ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here is how the deck works. Start out with the obj. and the planet and Twi’lek for whatever you want. I usually go IAO. This deck has performed very well against all deck archeatypes. Put the vehicles on Ralltiir and pull out some AT-ST Pilots to assist with the smackdown. Then drain them out and Use Elis to hop around. Even though you can only use it during your move phase it still comes in handy A LOT.

Vs. Mains Drain, get everything going. Start with Bad Feeling Have I or get it quick.

Vs. Ops Get everything goin on your planet, put out Battle Order and hop over and put out Empires’s New Order, and then just battle them to death.

Vs. Revo I don’t have any Evader’s or they’d go in. I suggest putting one in and maybe Crush The Rebellion.

Vs. Hidden Base Start with Precautions and then move and probe while draining them out also use Battle Order if you can stay fortified in space.

Vs. Training Drain them out, and use Battle Order, when it’s done, smackdown.

Vs. Cheese or any other pathetic excuse for deck Use CHYBC and other various cards and just whoop their roodey poos.

I think I have covered everything, If I haven’t the strategy is in their somewhere. ‘