The Mark Hamill Deck

Title: The Mark Hamill Deck
Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Apr 7, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) JP Audience Chamber Tatooine Obi-wan’s hut (start) Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Mos eisley Hoth Echo War Room Rendezvous Point Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Effects (11) Uh-Oh Bo Shuda Order to Engage Chasm Bacta Tank Traffic Control Wise Advice Mechanical Failure Draw their Fire Battle Plan What’re you trying to push on us?

Interrupts (16) The Signal x3 You Will Take Me to Jabba Now x2 Gift of the Mentor x2 Nabrun Lieds x2 Clash of Sabers x2 Out of Commsion Careful Planning (start with Obi’s hut and pull AC) Weapon Levitation Transmission Terminated x2

Weapons/ Devices (2) Obi-wan’s Lightsaber Landing Claw

Starships (4) Red Leader in Red 1 Gold Leader in gold 1 Millenium Falcon Spiral

Characters (20) Rennek Figrin Da’an Herc Seff Wedge Antilles Master Luke Luke with Lightsaber x2 Liea with Rifle Chewie with Rifle Han with Blaster Obi-wan Kenobi Ben Kenobi Obi-wan with lightsaber Lando with Blaster Tawaas Khaa Corporal Beezer Jerom Webb Hn’methe Elom x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Depending on the deck you play, you should play differantly. This holds true with many decks but especially with this one. If you are playing a hunt down or unknown type, you need to get chasm out. This can stop them from drawing that Visage destiny 7 or even better hurt them for drawing the same vader in a dueling or battle destiny. But wait, there’s more Set up the uh oh Bo Shuda combo and use take me to Jabba to put out rennek and then figrin. Use figrin to wager every turn especially if playing Hunt Down. Suddenyl the odds of them drawing a vader or doubled unique card increases, you retrieve and theey lose force This isn’t the main strategy however. Most of it revolves around the classic beatdown with mains, Super Falcon and multi-destinies. Should you play Raltiir, try to get the H’mnethe and the eloms out in battles. Beezer can stop reacts and the Mechanical failure is a powerfuly destructive tool. Herc Seff is awesome in reducing drain potential and the starships with Landing Claw can give you a decent bit of aid in space. This deck is all about careful planning as stated with the starting interrupt.

On a side note I named it after Mark Hamill for obvious reasons. He’s got some cool pictures in the deck. Also I’d someday like to see people post along with thier strategy on the deck, ways to play against this deck so it would look like …Vs. Mark Hamill I just find things like that funny. ‘