Absolute Destruction-Choke Beatdown

Title: Absolute Destruction-Choke Beatdown
Author: Zell "Krogoth" Davidson
Date: Apr 8, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations Obi’s Hut Yavin 4 Massasi Ruins Swamp Farm Yavin 4 Throne Room Rendezvous Point Hoth; Echo Command Center Kessel Coruscant Yoda’s Hut

Creatures 2 x Nudj

Starships Tantive 4 Spiral Lando In Falcon Red Leader In Red One Gold Leader In Gold One

Weapons Anakins Saber Obi’s Saber

Characters 2x Obi Wan Kenobi 2 x Luke w Saber 2 x Leia w Blaster 2 x Han w Blaster Melas Orrimarrko Taws Khaa Jeroen Webb Chewbacca w Blaster Wedge Antilles

Effects Order To Engage 2x Anger Fear Agression Draw Their Fire Goo Nee Tay Traffic Control 3x Revolution Bacta Tank Civil Disorder Uncontrollable Fury Battle Plan

Interrupts Careful Planning 2x The Signal Clash Of Sabers Shocking Information 5x Tunnel Vision 2x Courage Of A Skywalker Nabrun Leids 2x Transmission Terminated ‘

Strategy: ‘

The first thing I would like to address is the 5 tunnel visions, use these to get whatever you need, with the large activation provided with this deck you should be able to create a large force pile early in the game use this to your advantage. With this deck you have a big choice to make and it will help if you make that choice as early as possable. What is the choice you ask? YOu have to decide if you will play beatdown or drain. Yes, this deck is perfectly capable of both, if you want to play beatdown play the revolution on thier 2/0 sites as soon as they deploy them. If you decide to drain, play one revolution on obis hut and one on massasi ruins; now you will be able to drain for three at each of those sites, not bad There are also to drain three systems, but you should not play these if you are going for the choke, if you deploy them it will give your oppenent 2 force at each. If you are not going for the choke these systems will work out fine as each of them will give you a drain of three. There are many choices that you must make when playing with this deck, as long as you make the right ones you should be able to keep your oppenent at bay.

I play this deck differnently today, take out…. Anis Saber Bens Saber Civil Disorder

Add… Gift of the mentor Alter x2 ‘