It Is Your Destiny (and it s a 7)

Title: It Is Your Destiny (and it s a 7)
Author: Matt "Old Skooler" Lush
Date: Apr 10, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective MWYHL

Locations (6)

Dagobah DagYoda’s Hut DagSwamp DagJungle DagTraining Area DagBog Clearing

Characters (16) Yoda Daughter of Skywalker EPP Obi x2 EPP Luke x2 EPP Han x2 ECC Chewie x2 ECC Lando x2 Elom x4

Starships (3) Tantive IV Spiral Corellian Corvette

Interrupts (17) The Signal x3 On The Edge x4 Slight Weapons Malfunction x2 Sorry About The Mess Star Destroyer x2 WHAAAAAAAAOOOOOW x2 Strangle x2

Effects (5) Do Or Do Not Wise Advice Insurrection Bacta Tank Traffic Control

Weapons (3) Ewok Catapult Intruder Missle x2

Devices (4) Bionic Hand x2 Electrobinoculars x2

Jedi Tests (5) Great Warrior A Jedi’s Strength Domain of Evil Size Matters Not It Is The Future You See ‘

Strategy: ‘

What’s the biggest problem with MWYHL Testing to 5? By the time you get to 5, a. You’re dead, b. You don’t have the force to pay for Secret Plans. This deck can get there easily. What’s the most powerful game function? Retrieval. You win the game by making your opponent run out of cards. If he keeps getting them back, you’re not going to win. This a pure Dagobah force jump. You go on their turf. No locations except Dagobah stuff to keep your average ridiculously high. You get out a majority of the low destinies with the Objective. Starting Effect is Wise Advice, always. If you’re not facing SAC, no big deal, it helps with the Testing. The sites, Yoda, DOS, the Jedi Tests get out of your deck quick leaving 4’s, 5’s, and 7’s(and a few characters…). This was originally a Test to 1 deck, but then I realized you don’t have to move both DOS and Yoda around Testing, just Daughter. Yoda hangs out at his Hut, effectively giving your EPP’s immunity to attrition <3 while Leia’s running around testing. By the time you finish Test 3, which shouldn’t take too long, they are immune to <4, since you subtract one from their destinies. That’s the same as Master Luke What’s the point of this deck? Simple. Go where the enemy is, and wipe them out with weapons fire. Everybody’s got a gun This deck has 11 7’s in it. This means your odds of hitting ANYBODY YOU WANT TO are pretty damn good. Four On The Edges are insanely easy to pull off. I’m more comfortable with 4 than 3, as if it gets grabbed, it’s still 24 cards you can get back. Also, you can get one quick enough to play it and still pay for Secret Plans. Once you get a set of ElectroBinoculars on Daughter, you can retrieve away. You won’t have to spend much to find a 7, and then bam-six cards back. O.K., why the Eloms? 1. They’re a 4 destiny. 2. With Yoda at the Hut, the DS can draw a 5 for destiny and you’d still only have to lose an Elom. 3. Imperials are common enough. Effects are fairly self-explanatory. BT is critical, the sooner that’s out the better. Test 1 slows down the drains, giving you time to get what you need. When you get drained, lose those 7’s you’ve got in your hand. Once you’re ready retrieve them to the used, and track them around to abuse them for another On The Edge and weapon/battle destiny. This deck is insane. Lando can take on Vader by himself Just EB a 7 to the top, initiate, fire at Vader, and then play Slight Weapons. Vader gone, Lando to the Bacta. Most of the time, it’s best to wait til you have an Elom to help w/ destiny. With Bacta Tank and On The Edges, 3 ships are all you need. Get Han and Luke piloting, and draw 2 7’s against your opponent. Throw Obi on a ship as Bacta Tank fodder, and you’re good to go. On land or space, not much will left around after losing 14 to attrition. So why test Daughter? 1. She gives an extra force for a total of 11 just from your sites alone. 2. The more lightsabers you have swinging out there, the better. I’d rather have Luke swinging than Leia firing, even with the extra destiny with Han. Personal choice though. Easy enough switch, take out a Luke and Daughter, and add 2 EPP Leias. Insane retrieval is part of what makes this deck so powerful. Even if they grab your On The Edge, you’re still effectively playing an 84-card deck. Make that 94, cause the On The Edges will let you hang until you test to 5. Once you get there, you’ve won. Period. No problem setting up a 7 for destiny, and then simply retrieve away. What about spies? One Sorry About The Mess is enough. Use it, retrieve it. Repeat as necessary. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to set up a destiny, the average is so high it won’t matter much. 11 7’s + 5 5’s + 10 4’s = crazy destinies. You’ve even got the side bonus of being able to pull off a beatdown. Doesn’t take much. Luke, Han, and a couple of Eloms will cause severe damage. O.K., what about monnoks? And Visage in Hunt Down? Well, Visage will actually help you. Since you retrieve, and they for the most often don’t, Visage helps YOU. You’re gonna have Luke or Obi on the table with 2 of each. It also allows you to throw doubles away, only to be retrieved later. Therefore, no Trans. Terminated, which is too specific a card anyway for my taste. And Lord help ‘em if they’re dueling… As far as losing On The Edges to monnok, try to play one as soon as you get another in your hand, before the opponent has a chance to monnok you. Use whatever force you have left to EB to a 7, then play one. Smart playing and not drawing like a maniac will be ample protection from Monnok. This deck looks crazy, and I thought it was, then I played it. I was stunned by how effectively it was properly played. Looking at the key concepts, it abuses 2 extremely powerful Premiere cards EB’s and On The Edge. That in combination of the weapon efficiency of EPP’s makes this a deck that is a blast to play, throws your opponent off, and is extremely deadly. Think about it if your opponent was drawing 7’s out the wazoo for weapon/battle destiny, how often would YOU battle? Build and enjoy, this thing’s a blast to play. I know it’s kooky as hell, but it WORKS.

Reviews(Good)- Thanks. Glad you like it.

Reviews(Bad)- Oh well. Sorry you don’t like it. I know you can come up with some wild-ass crap that’ll beat this, but hey, it works around here, so I’m not worried about it. I don’t see CHYBC, I know I could fulfill that anyway. This works for me in Texas, so I’m sorry if you can’t make any use of this. Thanks for reviewing. ‘