Throne Room Sagan Style

Title: Throne Room Sagan Style
Author: Alan "Serpent" Sagan
Date: Apr 11, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Sites (10) Massassi Throne Room Swamp Farm Massassi Headquarters Yoda’s Hut Chief Chirpa’s Hut Echo Command Center Obi’s Hut Rendezvous Point Lower Corridor

Characters (17) Obi-Wan Kenobi x3 Luke with Lightsabre x3 Leia with Blaster x2 Boushh Han with Blaster x2 Lando with Blaster Chewie with Blaster Melas Tawss Khaa Orrimaarko Oola

Creatures (2) Nudj x2

Ships (3) Tantive IV Spiral Millenium Falcon

Weapons (2) Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber x2

Effects (6) Mantellian Savrip Order to Engage Bacta Tank Civil Disorder Battle Plan Draw Their Fire

Interrupts (20) Sense x3 Alter x2 Clash of Sabers Nabrun Leids x2 The Signal Skywalkers Carefull Planning Gift of the Mentor Tunnel Vision x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Out of Commission x2 Shocking Information x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Note to current reviews No Smoke Screen cause i don’t got em, plus i’d rather trust Out of Commision and Shocking info, my recycling 5’s. With the activation i get it’s not hard to track at all. Out of Commision is definately worth the card slot, a recyling 5 at any time. Plus the out of play function is great, Catch there Twi’lek first turn, no more twi’leks. if you do a first turn Trans Terminated, Out of Commision, no more Visage. I’ve gotten Chall Bekan in an ISB scum outer rim scout deck, that might’ve been a game winner. I’ve hit tarkin before too. that card is NEVER a waste to me, and has become a staple in many a light side deck of mine. For manip, two shockings is more than enough considering how rare manip is. Any more would be over preparation, hunt down is probably 10 times more common, but do you see 3 trans termies? no. so even if they grab my shocking, i’m still making them lose a total of 10 cards, plus there grabber. Then with my massive activation, tunnel visions, aliens, senses, whatever, there’s no way they can screw all my guys. Redemption will definately be added in if i ever use this deck again though. Didn’t throw in WAYTTPOU because i didn’t feel it was needed, although it would definately be a good edition.

What can i say, it’s throne room. This one has better destiny then most, with the recycling out of commisions and shocking infos. Has a small s/a package, just to get rid of some annoying things and perhaps save your ass from a duel.

Vs space when was the last time you played against a dark space deck? Truthfully, it was a looong time ago, and i’ve never played vs an ominous rumours… so this deck is great for my area. Get obi+saber to the lower corridor, load up the falcon, tantive and spiral, and chuck guys to the savrip. track those 5’s

Vs Ralops Never tested. Prevent the flip, this is IMPERATIVE. Nothing pisses a ralops player off more than having to pick up for cards, getting drained for that extra 1, and not adding 3 to their destiny. Set up the lower corrdidor for a drain with a coupla guys if it seems safe, while mains with the occasional Alien back up run around raltir. Sense their important reacts, let the wussy ones slide. Order to Engage is Killer. A well timed skywalkers/Gift of the Mentor with tracked 5’s will ruin their day too. If they’re not going walkers, they’re dead cause of your weapons.

Vs Non Dueling Huntdown Should be a win for you. You have a huge force advantage, your savrip and tank can save you, hack there guys, rinse and repeat. Trans Terminate Visage, AFTER they lose there force during your turn and before you lose yours (automatic actions, you pick the order). or put boushh there and break cover, but you might want to back her up, espescially if Imperial Arrest order is out. The game is over once you get Oola going with Civil Disorder.

Vs Dueling Huntdown What i DIDN’T want to play against. Truthfully, although the extra 5’s in this deck are great, they’re not enough to save you from a duel even with courage and glancing, so why pack em. If i was doing the dueling, i wouldn’t do it in a big tournament unless i KNEW i would win. Run Luke Run would definately be a worthy edition. Otherwise, you can kill vader, eventually smush your nudjs to drain there, drain at the corridor, beat up vader some more, spank mara, and abuse your force advantage. Once oola’s out with civil disorder, games yours. I’m really tempted to add in another oola and civil disorder since they REALLY wreck huntdown…

Vs Court the only Court i’ve played against is a friend of mine’s court. This deck lost by 20. His is NOT the average court though, so whatever ) Same strategy as non dueling hunt down, spank em where you can, abuse your savrip and bacta tank.

Vs Manip the massive force generation should allow you to get a main out, or an alien. Shocking Info will lay some hurt down on there scans and miyoom, sense when needed. But how often do you see manip?

Numbers No number protection. oops. Well that’s a weakness, and a big one too. But how often do you see Dark Numbers? Gee that seems to be my answer to alot of this decks weaknesses )

So you can tinker a bit to suit your style, scrap the out of commisions for don’t forget the droids, maybe chuck in RLiR1 and GLiG1, combined with savrip can realy do same pain in space. Push cards would be good editions too. But these are all judgement calls. So Blah p