Hunt Down And Scare Off The Jedi

Title: Hunt Down And Scare Off The Jedi
Author: Matt "Phobos" Berta
Date: Apr 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective/Epic Events (2) Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe Epic Duel (heheheheh)

Locations (6) Executor Holotheatre (duh) Executor Meditation Chamber (duh) Cloud City Downtown Plaza Endor Back Door Tatooine Cantina Kiffex

Characters (16) Darth Vader (duh) Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2 Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 (his crazy uncle) Mara Jade, the Emperor’s Hand (duh) Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle (duh) Jabba The Hutt (he slimed me) Brangus Glee (gets drunk at Cantina) Lieutenant Commander Ardan (smartest Imperial officer ALIVE) J’Quille (get outta here, Chewie) Dr. Evazan (You’ll be DEAD) Garindan (high destiny spy) U-3PO (are you sick of my comments yet?)

Starships (5) Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x4 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter (evil is good)

Weapons (3) Vader’s Lightsaber x2 (weow-bzzzt) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber (ditto)

Interrupts (16) Nevar Yalnal (damn spies) Torture (damn numbers) I Have You Now x2 (damn Rebels) Main Course (damn cold force) Twi’lek Advisor (damn Starting card) Alter x2 (Sith POWER) Elis Helrot x2 (damn Nabrun) Evader (damn choking my force) Vader’s Eye (might be exiting this deck) Sense x2 (Sith POWER) You Are Beaten (Vader gets furious, I have him relax a bit. or poke at a Jedi, then beat on his friends) Frustration (piss off the light side Get down here, Jedi)

Effects (12) Visage Of The Emperor x2 (how’d you like to have your boss watching your every move?) Disarmed (with Dr. E, awful for them) Undercover (just in case) Security Precautions (might be exiting deck also) First Strike (YEAH) Oppressive Enforcement (better Dreadnaughts free grabbers Hairier Wookiees?) Crush The Rebellion (usually start this, to let LS know I’m not messing around) There’ll Be Hell To Pay (gimme that) Reactor Terminal (to put all the 1’s and 0’s back in my deck YAY) Presence Of The Force x2 (I’ll start this on Obi’s Hut if they start with that.) ‘

Strategy: ‘

Original idea from Noah ‘Not My Name’ Singer, with dueling. Who knows where he got the idea. Took the dueling out cuz everyone started packing Glancing Blow and Courage of a Skywalker, and it got risky. Pretty straightforward, standard beatdown Hunt Down, with higher-than-average destiny (for my average DS deck). I was intoxicated when I wrote this, so forgive the rambling. Here we go…

Start I almost always started Crush The Rebellion in tourney games. The one exception was when my opponent was giving me one force with their battleground location(s), in which case I started Presence on one of theirs so I could get the first-turn Vader & flip (surprisingly successfull)

vs. Throne Room choke This deck doesn’t need a lot of force to get by, unless you really plan a multiple character/starship beatdown. Since all locations in the deck that you haven’t started with are 2/2, you won’t need to worry about those getting Revo’d. Just wait until there’s two on the table, then Frustration during your control phase to peek for grabbers, Evader immediately after their next deploy phase to get back Med. Chamber and Holotheatre. Elis around to beat them up, if they don’t save 2 force for Quite A Merc. (you can’t Sense it)

vs. Hidden Base I guess I’ve played some pretty easy HB decks, since I’ve had virtually no trouble against them. One I remember specifically, using B-Wings and Intruder Missiles, I beat down, even though every ship I threw into the sky came burning down with a missle or torpedo up it’s ass. Thank god for First Strike retrieval or I would have won by less than 25. Sec. Pre. is in there, but is rarely necessary. Zuckuss and a Dread. or 3 where they won’t draw destiny, unless they’ve got 2 force for Spiral (peek with Frustration if you have it).

vs. Ops or Speeder Ops Take control of the Farm and hold onto it. Either non-EPP Vader with the Saber card on him, and Presence on there will make LS come to you. I Have You Now to add some attrit. if possible, maybe I’ll throw in Dengar w/Carbine to shoot some speeders.

vs. Profit I have fun embarrassing LS. Thanks for the extra icons, dork Start Mara and Fett or Jabba and Fett in there, then move them next door and throw down some of their close personal friends, like Dr. E. Let them have their Hansicle, then drain all their retrieval away. Watch for Narrow Escape, and if you simply MUST battle at Tat Jabba’s Palace, have a Sense ready for Fallen Portal. First Strike is beautiful in these situations. I’ll Alter Order To Engage if I have to, usually I’m just gonna battle ANYWAY

vs. Numbers One Torture isn’t enough, I know, I know. Maybe I’ll switch it for Resistance. Or maybe I’ll have the 2 Presence and two sabers draining them for as much as they’re hitting me w/numbers. Ever think of THAT? Well, that’s what happened, and I won by 10 or 15. Hey, it works for me, kids.

vs. Jedi Testing of any kind Test 1 shouldn’t hurt you too much, and by test 2 you’ll easily have ability 6 everywhere. You should be able to drain/Visage them before they make enough progress. heheheheh… it’s called DESTROY the Jedi for a REASON Kiffex should be Endor in this, so you can give Zuckuss some friends, then fly over to Dagobah and visit the old muppet. Hunt HIM down, too

vs. any deck with a Super Falcon Hm. Could be trouble. You should be able to drain them for as much as they drain you in space. If Leia’s on it, and Hunt Down is flipped, put a ship in front of it and laf when they try to battle. heheh.. A dark side Landing Claw, how bout that?

Random notes The last time I lost with this deck I had crappy draws and no Senses or Alters. Sith powers are useful, after all. Nevar for Undercover spy protect. Brangus and Lt. Cmdr. Ardan are destiny 3 and draw battle destiny. Garindan cuz he’s a 4 and anyone named Dan is cool.

Thinking of putting in Hoth Defensive Perimeter (one more BG would be useful) Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down (destiny 6 magic bullet for Bacta and Plans that I maybe can’t get to with Alter) Boba Fett in Slave 1 (sub for 1 Dread.) Endor IS going to switch from Kiffex Blast Door Controls (I am so sick of Narrow Escape and Rebel Barrier, and I don’t always have a Sense) Tentacle (destiny 5 to grab that ONE damn 5 or 6 they keep tracking) Masterful Move (to grab Visage and have a nice destiny 6 for them to grab instead of Sense/Alter/Elis) plus whatever you guys suggest. Thinking of removing Vader’s Eye and Sec. Pre. Well, hope you haven’t fallen asleep, I’ll shut up now. Serious reviews are gladly accepted, as well as scathing ones if they are descriptive. Update 4-15, 322 AM Broken Concentration is going in. ‘