
Title: Chill
Author: Luca "Luca/Tzizvvt" Costanzo
Date: Apr 13, 2000 Rating: 4.5



Objective (1)

This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further (Starting, Duh -)

Weapons (1)

Mara Jade’s Stick

Locations (9)

Dagobah Cave Death Star Coruscant Hoth Ice Plains Hoth Wampa Cave Cloud City West Gallery (Starting) Bespin Cloud City Bespin Cloud City East Platform

Characters (13)

(2) Dr. Evazan (2) Darth w/ Crooked Metal Pipe (2) Grand Moff Tarkin (2) Mara Jade, THE Dengar w/Gun Fett w/ Gun Admiral Motti IG-88 w/ Gun 4-LOM w/ Gun

Ships (7)

(2) Bossk In Bus Vader’s Personal Shuttle Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Executor Dengar In Punishing One Fett In Ship

Effects (13)

First Strike Reactor Terminal Oppressive Enforcement (2) TBHTP Crush The Rebellion ABCTTU Security Precautions Battle Order Search and Destroy Cloud City Occupation Imperial Arrest Order (Starting) Secret Plans (Starting)

Interrupts (16)

Dark Collaboration Set For Stun You Are Beaten (2) Sniper (2) Imperial Barrier Masterful Move Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down Evader Monnok Shocking Revelation Alter (3) Twi’lek Advisor (Starting)

Strategy: ‘

The idea of this deck is to get a very defensive set up on Cloud City. You have a lot of interrupts to help with fighting and a lot of counters to other decks. The force generation in this deck should be able to set up early, and you get all of the important stuff from reserve. First Strike helps by allowing retrieval of important lost interrupts such as YAB, Sniper and SFS.

A few explanations

Where’s Igar and Tempest 1? I couldn’t find room. I think that the Tarkin/Motti/Dark Collaboration is more versatile, even though it is a 3-card combo. Motti can do more on ships and Dark Collaboration stops Rebel Barrier. Also, this combo can be used in space.

Where’s Dark Deal?

Please. Don’t get me started. Dark Deal is good, but far less versatile. It forces you to take out more flexible cards for sub-standard characters so that you can set it up and then your opponent just chucks down some guys and stops all of the drains anyway Not to mention the number of anti-force drain cards going around. I think that this is more versatile and I want to give it a try.

Bespin Cloud City?

Yep. It’s another location that you can pull with the objective. I only put this one in because I have 2 Bossk in Bus, Fett in Ship, Zuckuss in Ship, Dengar in Ship and Vader’s Personal Shuttle and the light decks that I have seen recently have only been packing a RLiR1, GLiG1 and maybe LiMF, if that.

Some specifics

Vs. Ops

If it’s not speeder ops you stand a chance. Get out Battle Order and the Occupation ASAP, but try not to put out the Bus or Executor so that they can’t claw them (it’s doubtful that any Ops decks have room for anything to stop Barriers). Perhaps you can wait for an opportunity to beatdown on something, but don’t count on it (especially with the low number of characters in this deck). It all comes down to Battle Order in this game, and ABCTTU.

Vs. Speeder Ops

EEK All you can really try and do is the same as above, but try and alter Manoeuvring Flaps. Hopefully you will be able to do some funky SFS/Monnok tricks which will then give you a chance. If you pile up on the docking bay you can hopefully avoid a beatdown (but barriers should help). Don’t forget that Dengar’s gun at the West Gallery can Sniper speeders at the docking bay.

Vs. HB-X

Get early force-loss going with the Occupation and Search and Destroy (that card is huge). Battle Order helps a lot. If they are stupid enough to flip, you have Security Precautions (which is mainly in there because it is effectively a destiny 5 location). Get Motti and Tarkin together at the system (maybe on the Bus to avoid those damn X-Wing cannons) and see if they understand ;)

Vs. Falke-Style Hidden Base

I have a lot of respect for this deck. I think that it’s probably the best light deck at the moment, and is almost as potent as old Drazin This game will be hard, but you have a good chance if you play conservatively. Get out Oppressive Enforcement and Crush the Rebellion ASAP. This will hopefully effectively stop destiny adders on the ground. Your barriers should prove to be quite effective. The tech against the Super Falcon is SFS which, combined with Zuckuss in Mist Hunter and Bossk in Bus should be quite fun. Don’t forget to retrieve it with First Strike. To win this game, you must track your destiny carefully (this is surprisingly easy with Secret Plans and Shocking Revelation), and not let them choose where to fight.

Vs. MWYHL mains

Not much to tell. Set up your Occupation ASAP. Try and have an Alter ready for FA, although you will probably miss. Barrier whatever they deploy and then kill it next turn. Hopefully Search and Destroy will help quite a bit.

Vs. Profit

WTF? I haven’t really thought about this. Don’t start with any aliens. Try and kill Han, even if it’s only with a SFS for a turn. You are starting with Secret Plans, so retrieval should be hampered for them and I believe that you should be able to cause more force loss than they can. If Profit is popular in your area, consider adding in a Dannik Jerriko so that you can start either Dengar and Dannik or Fett and Dannik. That’s about all I can say about that.

Vs. Hit and Run

You have Search and Destroy as well as Barriers and Occupation. Again, I’m not sure how to play this as I haven’t come up against it before. I have to say that I’m quite impressed by this deck. Congrats, TJ.

Vs. Odds

Again, not popular in my area. Search and Destroy and Occupation. That’s the name of the game. You can also shuffle your deck each turn with Secret Plans.

Yes, I know that this deck is slightly lacking in characters and I would love to find room for Igar, Tempest 1 Dannik Jerriko and maybe even Captain Bewil. One of the Vaders could also become a DV, DLOTS ‘cause he’s just so damn cool and I have a lot of high destinies in this deck. Please don’t tell me that I can’t flip this objective or that I need Dark Deal.

Have fun,

Luca Costanzo

Quote of the day

‘Red sky at night; shepherd’s delight. Sheep drowned in the morning; that’s global warming’

  • Canned Carrot ‘