Operations in a Can v 2 0 (Final Version)

Title: Operations in a Can v 2 0 (Final Version)
Author: Daniel "Shadow865" Blackford
Date: Sep 18, 1999 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1) Endor Operations

Locations(11) Bunker Landing Platform Endor Kiffex Kashyyyk Kessel Tatooine Hoth Yavin 4 Forest Swamp

Characters(16) Darth Vader x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2 Colonel Deyer Admiral Motti Officer Evax Lieut. Cabbel Lieut. Arnet Lieut. Grond Lt. Pol Treidum Commander Nemet Commander Desanne DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4

Creatures (1) Bubo

Ships/Vehicles(13) Dread x5 Avenger Devastator Vaders Shuttle Bossk in Bus Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 4 Blizzard Scout 1 Blizzard 2

Effects(13) Ominous Rumors Reactor Terminal Imp Arrest Order POTF Battle Order Resistance CHYBC Security Precautions Hell to Pay x2 Lateral Damage x2 Imp Decree

Interrupts(4) Twilek x3 Ghhhk ‘

Strategy: ‘

Based on ALL previous reviews this is the final design of the Operations in a can deck. It was advised that I put in more blue machinery Blizzard 2 for ground, Vaders Shuttle for space. Through countless hours of playtesting I learned that Ominous Rumors was rarely canceled. However there were those freak accidents, so I limited Rumors to 1 and I threw in Deyer who prevents it from being canceled. I have never had it canceled in the early game. It was advised that I play with the Reb Base docking bays for decree. However this would defeat the purpose of my very tech-y Forest and Swamp. If there is no reason to set up decree in the game then with the docking bays I would have wasted cards. The forest and swamp can deploy to Y4 for Decree should I need them, OR IN THE EVENT I DONT they can deploy to Endor giving me even MORE drains in space. This deck is incredibly fast and I have established a drain of AT LEAST 4 by the third turn in every game (The average third turn drain was 7). I think this is a very solid deck…judge it for what its worth now, Im probably not gonna change it more. This WILL be the last version sent in to decktech. For strategy see the original v 1.0 release of the deck.’