Do you like pie How about Poontang Pie

Title: Do you like pie How about Poontang Pie
Author: Brandon "Droid Pimp" Gravo
Date: Apr 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(8) Coruscant Endor Cantina Dagobah Cave Jabba’s Pad Jabba’s Bondage Chamber Jundland Wastes Death Star

Characters(17) Mara Jade x2 Commander Igar U-3PO Jabba The Cock Whore Grand Mof Tarkin x2 Darth Vader Brangus The Drunken Gambler Elephant Man(‘I am not an animal’) Choke Vader x2 4-LOM w/magic rocket Dannik Jerriko the Soup Nazi IG-88 w/Tazer Lt. Arnet Chall Bekan

Vehicles(4) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Tempest Scout 1 Blizzard Scout 1

Starships(5) Bossk In Bus Executor Fett In Slave 1 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Dengar in JM 5000

Interrupts(13) Twi’Lek Advisor x2 Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down Combat Readiness Torture x2 Elis Helrot x2 Oo-ta Go-ta, Solo? Projective Telepathy Masterful Move Evader x2

Effects(10) Secret Plans Oppresive Enforcement Sedcurity Precautions Reactor Terminal First Strike Grabber Search And Destroy CHYBC Crush The Rebellion Battle Order

Bubo Jade’s Blade Vader’s Blade ‘

Strategy: ‘

I made this deck because I was tired of playing force denial decks. The force icon ratio if all of your sites are on the table is still 167 in favor of you which is pretty good. You start with the Wastes and use CR to pull the Palace. Then you can pull the chamber which lets you snag an alien and so on. I’ll just start being more specific. And don’t tell me to make it an occupation deck even though I would only have to change a few cards, occupation decks just aren’t my style, too defensive.

Intert Protection 2 Tortures. You can easily put in resistance but it is my preference to use the Tortures due to their destiny. Projective Telepathy cancels AFA which is being used more and it also has fun side benefits.

S/A Protection S/A isn’t big in my area so all I have is a grabber and Opressive Enforcement. In a big tourney I would probably add There Is No Try or at least another grabber though.

Anti-Spies Bubo likes to eat most spies except for Bush. I might add a trample.

Anit-Mains Dannik Jerriko rocks against any deck with mains.

vs. Hidden Base Yank Battle Order, Precautions, and S&D as quickly as possible. If they come down with spies feed Bubo. If they come with mains fight them off and cancel their Bacta Tank. Send a bunch of ships to Kessel and try to convert Coruscant and probe. WHen they flip[p find the base and maintain control of Kessel and maybe Kiffex as well.

vs. Profit You cover there starting stuff denying them force. You can either choose to be defensive and start Jabba+Ephant Mon or you can start Mara and send her out to the Palace with her stick on her 1st turn to drain for three. Just depends on the deck. Cancel the Tank, Savrip, Ben’s Text, choke Han and eat his soup. First Strike hurts all of there interrupts and the vehicles help against Lost In THe Wildrness.

vs. Throne Room Anybody else tired of these decks. You have 2 Evaders and not that many sites to revo. I imagine that you can go toe to toe with them if you get a couple extra locations early.

vs. Falcon decks Test 1 doesn’t hurt. CHYBC shuts down their retrieval. If they occupy 2 BG sites you can grab ON THe EdGe. S+D and your drains hurt. Be careful if you decide to fight the Falcon, watch out for interrupts, first strike will help and so will Dengar.

vs. Speeder Ops You have to be careful. Get out Battle Order quick. When you do go outside deploy in masse.

And a joke to finsih it off.

How many French-Canadians does it take to screw in a light bulb.









NO really. . . I have never seen French-Candians put a light bulb in before and was wondering how many it takes. Please put the answer in your review.

P.S. Does anybody else see that the numbers of pimps on the site is increasing. I have started a trend, women want me and men want to be me. Now I must study for a Biology test.