Abbysin Power

Title: Abbysin Power
Author: Olivier "Bel Iblis" De Ridder
Date: Apr 14, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations(13) Jabba’s pallace JP Audience Chamber JP Dungeon JP Droid Workshop JP Enterance Cavern JP Rancor Pit Dagobah Cave 2 Tat Mos Eisly Tat Lars Moisture farm Tat Junl. Wastes Tat Cantina Tat Tusken Canyon

Characters (21) Abbysin 12 Zuckuss Bossk Jabba Beelo Mara Jade Banguus Glee Galid Myo Nalan Cheel

Interrupts 9 Wounded Wookie 2 Twi’lek Adv. 3 Abyssin Orn 2 Combat Readyness Torture

EFFECTS 11 Scum and villainy 2 Well Guarded Expand the empire Den of thieves Failure at the cave 2 Broken Concentration Secret Plans Security Precautions First Strike

STARSHIPS 6 Bossk in HT Zuckuss in MH Dengar in PO Boba in S1 IG in IG 2000 Jabba’s Space Cruiser ‘

Strategy: ‘

You start Jabba’s Palace + JP audience ch. using combat readiness. Then you start pulling those sites AND those aliens. Myo can make your Abyssins power 4 each ) Galid is a very solid drain guy. Jabba is simply cool activate +1 each time you drain with an alien, and makes them forfeit +1 you battel ‘em away with abbysins and you revive them. that’s not difficult because you have massive activation everything you draw, you can deploy, so you don’t need reactor terminals. This deck can battle Operatives without difficulties, and has strong anti hidden base and MWYHL defense. It works try it and be amazed.

Notice You can throw in None shall pass if you find it necessairy. OOPS Nalan Cheel should be Chal Beckan ‘