The Mo Hot Sht

Title: The Mo Hot Sht
Author: Chris "Jedi Taboos" Praskac
Date: Apr 16, 2000 Rating: 3.5




Endor Operations

Locations (10) Endor ‘ ‘ Bunker ‘ ‘ Landing Platform Death Star Dagobah Cave Coruscant Corlug Kessel Kashyyk Kiffex

Characters(15) Ephant Mon x2 Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel Admiral Motti Lieutenant Cabbel Commander Nemit Commander Igar Commander Praji Officer Evax Captain Lennox DS612 DS613 DS614

Starships (7) Devastator Dreadnaught Boba Fett n/ Ship Bossk n/Ship Zuckuss n/Ship Executer Vader’s Shuttle

Vehicles(3) Blizzard Walker Blizzard 2 Tempest 1

Effects (13) Oppressive Enforcement There Be He To Pay x2 Imperial Justice Broken Concentration Security Precautions Imperial Decree Failure At The Cave Resistence Lateral damage Imperial Arrest Order Battle Order Ominous Rumors

Interrupts (11) Masterful Movc Monnok Ghhhk Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Twi’lek Advisor x2 Shocking Revelation Ommni Box ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok you start most of the time with Oppresive Enforcement so you can grap for free and sense/alter defense. There’s a couple of tech cards in here so let me explain.

1) Ephant Mon goes to the Bunker and is same from spies.

2) Imperial Justice is in here because the only location I care about getting revolutioned is the bunker. You can put justice on it w/ Arrest order nothing will get in.

3) Those Rebels won’t escape canels claw as well as Nabrun (if Arrest order isn’t out) as well as reacts.

To play this deck you get Ephant Mon at Bunker, Walker at the Platform and drain in space. Simple and effective. Not much chance of getting beat down.

Againsts Ops-set up big drains and get Battle Order set up

Against Profit- rough but set up Decree with drains. Win… but not big.

Against Mind- start Broken Concentration and Drain early. Then hit them with Failure at the Cave.

Against Y4 Start- start Oppressive and draw to you get everything you want, they won’t be able to set up and big drains unless they give you force. This deck isn’t hurt by Grimtash and if done used grab it. Oola… shock the b*tch.

Hidden Base- beat the crap out of them. I shouldn’t have to explan. all the force they give you plus yours, easy win.

That’s it. ‘