Spaceport Speeder Bikes

Title: Spaceport Speeder Bikes
Author: Peter "martian" Hall
Date: Apr 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Start(3) Ralltiir Ops Ralltiir Twi’lek

Locations(8) Carida Coruscant Raithal x2 Spaceport City Spaceport Docking Bay Spaceport Prefect’s Office Spaceport Street

Characters(11) Biker Scout Trooper x3 Corporal Avarik Corporal Drelosyn Corporal Oberk Sergeant Barich Sergeant Elsek x2 Sergeant Irol Sergeant Major Burnsk

Ships(7) Devastator Dreadnaught x2 Dengar in P1 Executor Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Vader’s Shuttle

Vehilces(5) Speeder Bike x5

Effects(16) 3,720 to 1 x5 A Bright Center Bad Feeling Battle Order Biker Scout Gear Imperial Arrest Order Lateral Damage Opressive Enforcement Reactor Terminal Security Precautions There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Interrupts(10) High Speed Tactics Main Course Sneak Attack Tactical Support x5 Tarkin’s Orders You Rebel Scum

Strategy: ‘

Update After further consideration, I decided that I’d ditch ABC2TU and Lateral damage for Decree and Crossfire. Decree isn’t much harder to pull off than ABC with this deck, and it provides Revo protection (Revo on Raithal = bad.) Crossfire evens the odds vs. Speeders and X-WIng Swarm.

This is the final version of my Biker deck (probably). I’ve been playing it off and on ever since Endor was released. It’s fun, and pretty competitve.

Why start with ROps? The FD -1 is cool, but the other two bonuses really help this deck. Destiny is good, so the +X really hurts. Lots of combos and recycleable interrupts, so searching is usually productive. As an added bonus, few people start Ultimatum vs. Rops, making the inserts that much more effective. I usually start BFHI, but occasionally I start with IAO (v. profit) or something else (Battle Order vs. Ops, etc).

Why Spaceport Sites? Basically, so Revos and/or site ‘upgrades’ don’t hurt me. Revo on the Swamp or Jungle isn’t cool. The forest doesn’t help this deck in the first place. The Spaceport Prefect’s Office has a nice GT (Burnsk is a leader), and the Street lets the bikers move for free, which is nice early in the game when I’m trying to flip and still have enough force to react.

Only eleven characters? Yep. Five Tactical Supports get them out of the deck ASAP. Carida lets me recycle them. I’ve never had the problem of being short on troopers.

What about insert protection? Grabbers take care of DFTD. It’s tough to get Ultimatum’s required three BG’s early, and the Bikers are powerful enough to clear a site (with their nifty interrupts).

What about Beatdowns? Reacts are the first line of defense. If they can’t stop a react, then Elsek will take care of any BD. Carida makes him re-usable. Main Course stops DTF, and You Rebel Scum takes care of Beezer/Lock. Even so, I still try to keep the sites pretty well fortified. Battle destiny is usually high enough to make up for the low power, especially considering the +X, the nifty text of the Bikers, and the interrupts.

Weaknesses? Eloms are a problem, but beatable. Speeder Ops would be a problem, especially if they have react-hosers or Ultimatum. DFTD in opening hand is not good.

There you have it. Rip it apart. ‘