CA State Champion Light Deck

Title: CA State Champion Light Deck
Author: Clayton "TheDohMan" Atkin
Date: Apr 17, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ Locations Yavin4 Throne Room (7) Farm Swamp Yavin 4 War Room Hoth War Room Rendezvous Point Yoda’s Hut

Characters  (21) Leia w/blaster x2 Obi wan Kenobi x2 Obi w/stick Master Luke x2 Luke w/stick Han w/blaster x2 H'nemthe x2 Bothan Spy x2 Tawss Khaa Orrimaarko Bron Burs Melas Chewie with Blaster Kal'Falnl C'ndros Jeroen Webb

Weapons  (4) Obi's saber x2 Anakins saber x2

Critters  (2) Nuji x2

Ships	 (4) Millennium Falcon x2 Tantive Spiral

Interupts  (19) Sence x5 Alter x2 Out of Commission x2 Nebrun Leids x2 Signal Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes Shocking Information Careful Planning Courage of a Skywalker Glancing Blow Sorry about the mess Grimtaash

Effects  (3) Revolution Goo Ney Tay Civil Disorder	 '

Strategy: ‘

The strategy behind this deck is to just simply overwhealm your opponent. Here’s how I attack different deck types. Hunt Down Cancel visage by deploying a spy at the holotheatre with any back-up that may be needed. Turn the tables by draining them at their own executer sites. Keep Obi and Luke in hand until you draw at least one of the anti-dueling cards. Just thwart them with all the ablility 4 aliens and other epps until that time comes. You will be able to spread out much more than most Hunt Down decks. Raltiir Operations This deck has so many characters, that you should be able to take control of Raltiir early. (At least, thats what I’ve been able to do against it) If Sandwhirl is prevelent in your area, take out a sence, and the grimtaash for 2 controls. Space decks Pray, this is the decks weakness. I was fortunate to be able to beat a pure tie deck in the championships, but here’s the way to attack it. Don’t bother with the nudj’s, deploy your Obi and Master Luke with their sabers to the swamp and farm to get a drain going. Eat the drains in space until you can build your hand with Super Falcon. Save your Sence/Alters for the pending All power to weapons and Lateral Damages. Don’t worry about any other effects, because thats the only one that can kill you. ***Note for Newbies. The h’nmethes hurt early on when your opponent is only activating for 4 force. They are not going to want to pay 4 for an At-At pilot when the “harmless” little alien is sitting on Raltiir with a main at his side. ‘