mixed court of kings

Title: mixed court of kings
Author: Eric "bounty22" Hunter
Date: Apr 20, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Coruscant Coruscant Docking Bay Executor Docking Bay Hoth Ice Plains Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Dungeon Tatooine Great Pit Of Carkoon Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Mos Eisley Tatooine Tusken Canyon

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Admiral Ozzel Bane Malar Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Chall Bekan Cloud City Engineer Darth Vader With Lightsaber x2 Dengar with Blaster Carbine Dr. Evazan IG-88 With Riot Gun x2 Jabba The Hut Jodo Kast Lieutenant Cabbel Lieutenant Renz Lieutenant Watts Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand x2 Officer Evax

Blizzard 2

Boba Fett in Slave I Bossk In Hounds Tooth Dengar In Punishing One Executor Zuckuss in Mist Hunter x2

Alter x3 Elis Helrot x2 Jabba’s Through With You Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? Sense x5 Shocking Revelation Twi’lek Advisor You Are Beaten x2 Bad Feeling Have I Batle Order Image Of A Dark Lord

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber x2

Court Of The Vile Gangster / I Shall Enjoy Watching You Die ‘

Strategy: ‘

ok this is a very basic deck. you just battle them into submision. your normal start is bad feeling have i. the only exception is if you play against a ops deck, in that case you batle plan. this is a basic few turns should go. 1)activate, deploy db and draw a few. 2) deploy db, jabba and a alien to activate another next turn. draw. 3-?)keep on drawing and putting forces down. keep this up till they make a move. at which point you elis or some how smack them.

against ops- start batle plan and just batle them out. keep jabba at ac to activate and add to forfite. contol the system w/ zuckuss and just smack them.

against hb(any varient)- alter/sense anything they try to pull. don’t deploy ships untill they flip or you can smack. since many people play a fake hidden base, bad feeling will help. this will be easy cause they won’t be able to beat you in the ac.

against tr- i don’t really fear tr. just do the game plan and make sure to always leave some force incase you need it. also image of ther dark lord should be deployed on there yavin4 sites so you can keep them from really out activating you.

against profit- start chall and jabba, pull mara and drain at jp. also take the engineer out to convert the ac. this shouldn’t be a problem w/ the sac package this deck has.

if i’m forgetting something to bad. also boelo, ephant and some other crazy aliens may want to be thrown in but this is my original deck and it works already. props to santa claus for giving me the cards to make this deck and to rexbanner7 for making a awsome hit and run deck on my sugestion(go check it out, it went 3-0 at the conn states). and slops to gamemaster for saying he has the best hundown deck ever(so not true).

also check out my new section on my member page called the witty zone. as you may of gussed it is witty. later all ‘