Heimlich Has Met His Match

Title: Heimlich Has Met His Match
Author: Andrew "Gadget" Ledwith
Date: Apr 23, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Farm Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Rendezvous Point Swamp Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi Throne Room

Characters (16) Boussh Chewbacca Corporal Beezer Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 Harc Seff Jeroen Webb Leia With Blaster Rifle Luke With Lightsaber x2 Melas Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles

Creatures (2) Nudj x2

Starships (7) Gold Leader In Gold 1 Gold Squadron Y-wing Lando In Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts (18) Alter x3 Careful Planning Clash Of Sabers x2 Glancing Blow x2 Nabrun Leids x2 Rebel Barrier x2 The Signal x2 Transmission Terminated x2 Tunnel Vision x2

Effects (8) Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Mantellian Savrip Order To Engage Traffic Control What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 Wise Advice

Devices (1) Landing Claw ‘

Strategy: ‘

I just ask one thing of you. IF YOU MUST GIVE ME A CRAP RATING FOR ‘NOT BEING ORIGINAL’, AT LEAST GIVE ME A WAY TO IMPROVE MY DECK. I don’t mind a poor rating, but I do mind them if I get nothing out of them. Also, don’t tell me to “add this, this, and this” and then not tell me what to take out. In my mind this is a very closely nit deck, and I can’t see taking anything out.

Since everyone understands how this deck works I won’t go into great detail. I will, however, go through some of the finer points, such as why I chose some cards over others.

Alter vs. Sense - The age-old question. I chose Alter because of the DS effects that are becoming big in my area Scum and Villainy, Reactor Terminal, Blast Door Controls (hate this one), Sienar Fleet Systems, and Bad Feeling Have I, just to name a few. If you’d rather go with Sense that’s fine by me, but in my area Alter is better right now.

Savrip vs. Tank - So many people have discovered Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down and added it to their decks. Conversely, there seems to be less and less use of Masterful Move in my area (maybe it’s just who I get paired with). Alter is a danger to both of them, but Wise Advice minimizes the damage. I like to Savrip my ships when playing a dedicated ground deck. Also, Boussh won’t do too much good vs. a TIE deck, so I can Savrip her too.

Leia mix - I use 1 EPP and 1 Boussh for a reason. The first and foremost is that I got raped by a Ralltiir Ops deck w/ Sleens at the Florida State Championships. I wasn’t using any spies. That will NEVER happen again. Secondly, there isn’t one spy for the LS that meets all of the following criteria 1) No deployment restriction 2) Pilot 3) Power > 1 Not one That’s awful when you think about it. If there was any spy that met these conditions I would use it, but there isn’t. I think I chose the 2 best spies there are (Boussh and Jerone Webb). The only other reason I chose this Leia mix is that using 2 of Boussh seemed like an overkill and 2 EPP Leias didn’t solve my spy problem.

Landing Claw - Only 1? Well, yes. The use of DS capital starships has gone down quite a bit since ECC and EJP came out. The only one still floating around in most decks is the Bus. So I just use one to be safe. There are 5 starships it can deploy on, so you won’t have any problems using it.

What’re You Trying To Push On Us? - Two of them? Yup. For versatility. When I play TIEs I can grapple both All Power To Weapons and Tallon Roll. When playing ground decks I can grapple Trample and still have one left to grapple something like and Imperial Barrier. Plus it’s more likely to come up, so you won’t have to waste The Signal to go looking for it.

Glancing Blow vs. Courage - I hate Courage. I really do. If I’m not playing Hunt Down I can only use it on one of my characters (Boussh) and it’s got a 2 in destiny. Glancing Blow on the other hand can be played during any duel (since all of my Obis and Lukes have sabers) and can be used to reduce Vader’s power to 0 when playing non-Hunt Down decks. Plus, it’s a destiny 3.

Things I left out - No one plays Manip or #s here, so I left out Shocking Infos and Don’t Forget The Droids. This was a meta decision. If these strategies were played in my area I would use them. You may want to include them if they are played in your area.

Everything else shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. This is just my version of a very popular strategy. Hope you liked mine. ‘