x-wing deck from indiana states

Title: x-wing deck from indiana states
Author: Matthew "Teknologik" Wright
Date: Apr 24, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective Hidden Base (1)

Systems (9) Kessel Kiffex Coruscant Kashyyyk Hoth Bespin Endor 2 extra systems for the hidden base

Characters (5) Boushh Tk- 422 Epp Obi Epp Luke

Starships (19) X-Wing x14 Red Leader on Red 1 x2 Tantive 4 Spiral

Interrupts (17) Organized Attack x4 Transimission Terminated x2 All wings report in x2 The signal x3 Houjix x2 Rebel Barrier x2 It’s a trap

Effects (9) Rebel Fleet Yarna Wise Advice Do or Do not S-foils Draw thier Fire Grabber Projection of a Skywalker x2

Weapons x-wing laser cannons x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Regular x-wing beatdown. Use spies and POAS to stop the Drains. If they come to space, usually they will get killed, unless they deploy all their starships to the same location but then you can outdrain them.

vs. Space. Should do well against it. I playtested this deck and it got beat by it.

vs. Huntdown. Get spies to their sites and cancel visage. Use x-wings for beatdown.

vs. Raltiir. This might be trouble but you should be able to grab alter and cancel all of the drains. Outdrain and rebel barrier their starships. Use the cannons to kill their bounty hunters.

vs. Ground Same as the raltiir.