Ominous Endor v2 0

Title: Ominous Endor v2 0
Author: brian "darkjedi2000" catalino
Date: Apr 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(3) Combat Readiness Endor EndorForest Clearing

Locations(6) EndorDark Forest Kashyyyk Coruscant ExecuterHolo Theater Death Star HothWampa Cave

Characters(14) Vader w/stick Grand Moff Tarkin Mara Jade General Veers Commander Igar Ephant Mon Lt Watts Major Marquand Lt Arnet Navy Trooper Fenson DS-61-2 AT-ST Pilot x3

Vehicles(6) Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 3 Tempest Scout 5 Blizzard 1 Tempest 1 Blizzard Scout 1

Starships(9) IG-88 in IG-2000 BFiS1 ZiMH x2 BiHT x2 Dreadnaught x3

Weapons(1) Mara Jades Lightsaber

Effects(13) Resistance CHYBC PoTF Oppressive Enforcement Reactor Terminal Battle Order Security Precautions Inperial Arrest Order Crush the Rebellion Ominous Rumors There’ll be Hell to Pay x2 Lateral Damage

Interrupts(8) Trample x2 Tarkin’s Orders Twilek Advisor x3 Evader Boring Conversation Anyway ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, I’ve done some tweaking on my deck since you guys reviewed it last time and want some more input.

First thing I tried it with the objective for a couple of weeks like suggested and I don’t need it. It actually did worse.

Start Careful Planning for Endor and Dark Forest. Twilek for Ominous ASAP(shouldn’t be too hard with 3 of them in there). Get the Effects out in a certain Order depending on what your are playing, I usually get Oppressive Enforcement out quick then Reactor Terminal so I can find the sites I need to get a couple of real good drains going. You shouldn’t have a problem with Ominous getting cancelled with there only being 2 endor sites. If light comes down one…It’ll be to hard to control 3 with all the walkers down there. Standard explanations Crush and Evader for choke Security Precautions for HB Battle Order works great in this deck Resitance for numbers Ephont Mon works great against spies trying to block your drains Fenson for LS retieval tricks (wanted to try and fit Bad Feeling Have I in the deck to make it pretty expensive for LS mains to get to Endor but couldn’t find the room) Lateral Damge for Super Falcon. Please rip it up and help it out as I have been working hard at Tourneys to get my rating up after it fell hard when I came into the game ignorant of everything six months ago. Thanks ‘