Rig that destiny

Title: Rig that destiny
Author: John "jpvz" Veasey
Date: Apr 24, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations(8) Rendezvous Point Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay) Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room) Hoth Echo Docking Bay Spaceport Docking Bay Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters Yavin 4 Massassi War Room

Characters (17) Lando With Blaster Pistol Melas Momaw Nadon Artoo ASP-707 (Ayesspee) x3 Chewie With Blaster Rifle Daughter of Skywalker Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol Jerome Webb Luke With Lightsaber x3 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Orrimaarko

Effects (7) Bacta Tank Do, Or Do Not Insurrection Traffic Control Undercover x2 Wise Advice

Interrupts (23) Clash Of Sabers Glancing Blow Off The Edge x2 On The Edge x3 Run Luke, Run Sorry About The Mess x2 Surprise Assault x2 The Signal x2 Fallen Portal x2 Narrow Escape x2 Rebel Barrier x2 Shocking Information x2 Under Attack

Weapons (5) Ewok Catapult x5 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Note Run Luke, Run out and add a second Under Attack.

This is an Ewok catapult deck as you can see. Hit and run is the name of the game here. There isn’t really any drain potential here, you have to take it to your opponent. A deffensive deck that tries and react to whatever you opponent is playing. It will die against an all Big Blue space, but should be solid against any deck that is on the ground.

Start at R Point for best activation and no drain for them. Docking bays help get around. CC for Off the Edge, Endor for the catapults, Hoth for activation and an early base. Spaceport DB to infiltrate Coruscant or Raltiir. Some Twix for activation (don’t have Yoda or his hut).

For charactes, need either self destiny or a weapon. Rigged weps destiny can hit anyone (Nice with SATM). Momnaw, Artoo and Jerome are to go Undercover Melas and Orri are decent stand alone guys. The keys to this deck are the ASP droids.

Effects are to keep stuff going thru my deck. Wise Advise and DoDN are anti SAC. Bacta Tank keeps my guys going longer. Insurection gets the DB’s out. Undercovers plug drains.

The meat of this deck is the red here. Why no Tras Term. Because in my area Huntdown isn’t too popular. I often see more Rops and ISB. For a big tourney I’d defineitly add some huntdown protection. Clash isn’t seen too much today, but has surprise value. Glancing Blow helps me deal with the Dark Lord. The Edges are perfect for this deck’s retival. SATM can be both an offensive and defensive weapon. Surprise Assaults can be nasty with rigged or tracked destiny. Signal to grab stuff. Fallen Portal is fun, love to see the color drain from my opponents face. Narrow Escape helps me run away and live to fight another day. Barriers help prevent beatdown ( I hope). Shocks are anti-Manip, but really just easy to recycle 5’s.

Then of course the Catapults. Drop and stack, simple as that.

This deck has worked so far in the two tourney I have taken to. Looking for whatever help you can offer. ‘