Yavin IV Death Start

Title: Yavin IV Death Start
Author: Brian "bgkenobi" Garrison
Date: Apr 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (8) Yavin IV Yavin IVDocking Bay Jungle Forest Swamp Desert Death Star DagobahCave

Characters(17) Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord of The Sith Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand x2 LT. Arnet Commander Igar General Veers Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel Mosep Major Marquand AT-ST Pilot x3 IG-88 ECC 4-Lom ECC LT. Watts

Weapons (3) Vader’s Saber x2 Mara Jade’s Saber

Starships (7) Dreadnaught x2 Devestator Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Houndstooth Dengar in Punishing 1 Zuckess in Mist Hunter

Vehicles (6) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 6 Tempest Scout 5

Effects (10) Resistance Battle Order IAO Secret Plans Rebel Base Occupation x2 Reactor Terminal Organa’s Ceremonial Necklace Security Precautions Crush The Rebellion

Interrupts (8) Imperial Supply x2 Torture Twi’lek Advisor x2 Trample x2 Surface Defence

Objective (1) Imperial Occupation

Strategy: ‘

This deck has the ability to operate effectively against several different deck types. It can compete in a drain race (with the Occupation and the Necklace), has the power to work against Tatooine decks and should be able to out muscle an Operatives deck.

The biggest reason for this deck type was to combat the ever popular Yavin IV/Combat Readiness decks. When going up against this deck type, start with the forest or the desert. Then your first turn, replace their swamp, and that 2nd Nudj aint getting to come out.

Use the walkers and the Impirials to cover the Yavin sites and get Occupation going at the system. passing the necklace from site to site to add one to the Force drain will begin to irritate your opponent, so be prepared for company.

Use 4-Lom and Ig-88 and Mara Jade as hit squads if your opponent attempts to stay away from your planet.

This is a very powerful deck, when played right and it can inflict many beatings. Decks using the same premise have done very well, from a second place at Orgins last year to a PA State Championship, if I am correct.

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