
Title: Shutdown
Author: Michael "Joz" Josem
Date: Apr 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Unknown Type Dagobah Dagobah Bog Clearing Dagobah Jungle Dagobah Swamp Dagobah Training Area Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Characters (11) Artoo 2 Boussh Momaw Nadon 3 Obi-Wan With Lightsaber R-3PO (Ar-Threepio) Son of Skywalker TK-422 Yoda

Starships (6) Gold Leader In Gold 1 2 Lando In Millennium Falcon 3 Red Leader In Red 1

Interrupts (14) 2 Alter 2 Effective Repairs It Could Be Worse Strangle 3 The Signal 4 Transmission Terminated We’re Doomed

Effects (16) Advantage Bacta Tank Battle Plan Draw Their Fire Legendary Starfighter No Disintegrations 2 Projection Of A Skywalker Uncontrollable Fury 3 Undercover Wars Not Make One Great 2 What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? Yoda’s Hope

Weapons (1) X-wing Laser Cannon

Devices (3) 2 Landing Claw Luke’s Backpack

Jedi Tests (2) A Jedi’s Strength Great Warrior

Unknown Type Mind What You Have Learned/Save You It Can ‘

Strategy: ‘

1) Why Lando In Falcon? ‘Cause it has passenger slots for a little more longeivity if it needs it. 2) Why 3 Undercovers? So that Leia can break cover, kill a Jabba or someone, have advantage played on her, and can then go back undercover 3) Farmerhot, are you reviewing this deck? Are you for real? Do you see any retrieval you dumb ^@#&?

Basically, you cancel whatever they do. If they Visage, Terminate it. If they drain, Projection of a skywalker it. If they spread, Undercover it. If they spread even more, use EPP Obi. Alter is there to cancel Search And Destroy - Simply track a low card and cancel it.


Hunt Down - Uncontrollable Fury, 4xTrans Term. Don’t need to risk losing Obi a duel. ROps - They typically have low drain potential, and POAS and/or Undercover spies will reduce it to 0. ISB Dump + Drain - Battle PLan and Jedi Test #1 will stop ‘em. Use X-Wing Laser cannons to kill their starships, and then Legendary Starfighter for the win. ‘