A very Tessek deck

Title: A very Tessek deck
Author: Carson "tarkinsaide" Swanek
Date: Apr 28, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting4 Careful Planning Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Farm Desert

Locations3 Rendezvous Point Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Characters22 Obi-Wan Kenobi Ben Kenobi Master Luke Luke w/ Lightsaber Boussh BoShek Orrimaarko B’omarr Monk Talz x2 Tessek x3 Artoo x2 Elom x7

Starships3 GLiG1 RLiR1 Tantive IV

Vehicles2 Skiff x2

Interrupts14 The Signal x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2 Sense Alter Surprise Assault x2 Transmission Terminated It Could Be Worse Courage Of A Skywalker Glancing Blow Rebel Barrier WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW Ke Chu Ke Kukuta

Effects10 Bo Shuda x2 Uh-oh x2 Insurrection Scramble Bargaining Table A Gift Traffic Control Ultimatum

Weapons1 Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE I don’t need Yarna b/c I usually don’t have more than one elom in my hand at any time.

This deck is based around a little guy we all know and love-Tessek. While he is at the AC, he adds 1 to the drains where you have a non-unique alien, yada, yada, yada. I have Eloms in here to combat the most prominent deck types, HD and Rops, for using w/ bargaining table, to drain, and to retrieve w/ Wind Chimes. I would replace Obi-Wan with Ben but I don’t have another I’ve found I have all the activation I need from my locations. The B’omarr Monk is used with the farm for force draining. Scramble is a must in any deck Artoo/A Gift is very helpful vs. alien decks Bargaining table to stop drains Ultimatum I hate inserts Uh-oh and Bo Shuda are for setting up Tessek safely. Sense/Alter not enough to win a war, but will combat opponent’s key effects. Surprise Assault is a good card with a destiny average of over 3 WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW is for combating COTVG Skiffs are for reacting Little starships, good for 1 turn beatdown vs. big blue All character that aren’t non-unique aliens can draw destiny by themselves.

vs HDADTJ use those eloms and mains against those imperials.

vs Rops I’ve never seen it played in my area

vs COTVG get Artoo to the chamber, A Gift

Those are the 3 major types, vs anything else I’ll do whatever

Please review fast. States tomorrow. Tell me what to take out for what to put in. They don’t allow more than 60 cards in a tourney. Thanx —Carson ‘