Massive Beatdown

Title: Massive Beatdown
Author: Austin "Ria Gon" Fife
Date: Apr 29, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations 9 Tatoonie Fondor Corulag TatoonieJabba’s Palace JPAudience Camber JP Rancor Pit Tatoonie Lars farm TJudland Waste T Tuskin Canyon T Krayt Dragon Pass

Characters 26 Darth Vader Grand Moff Tarkin Djas Phur Admiral Motti Captain Needa General Veers General Tagge Colonel Dyer Dengar w/ Blaster Carbine Admiral Ozzel Major Marquand Chall Bekan Niado Duegad Bossk Captain Peitt Boba Fett Myo Feltipern Treagg M’iioyoom Onith Kitik Keed’kak Makurth Storm Trooper Cadet Storm Trooper x 4

Droids 1 U-3PO

Creatures 1 Bubo

Weapons 1 Vader’s Lightsaber

Starships 5 Death Star Assualt Squadron Conquest Stalker IG-88 in IG-2000 Black Squadron TIE

Effects 8 Tatoonie Occupation Come here you big coward Expand the Empire Return to the base Resistance Luke? Luuuuuuuke Presence of the Force Reactor Terminal

Interruppts 8 Twi’lek Advisor x 2 Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? Elis Helrot x 2 Emergency Deployment Masterful Move Alter

Strategy: ‘

 First deploy Tatoonie Jabba's Palace (Unless their starting location is that, if it is I start with Tatoonie) and get my Jabba Palace places out. Then I gradually get more activation to have some fun with. If they make the first move I beat them down. If the game is getting boring I force drain at my drain drain locations. '