ROps BS Numbers

Title: ROps BS Numbers
Author: Chris "Jet Jaguar" Wynes
Date: Apr 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective(1) Ralltir Operations/In the Hands…

Locations(9) Ralltir Raithal x2 Fondor Forest Spaceport DB Spaceport City Spaceport PO Spaceport Street

Characters(14) Biker Scout Trooper x7 Sgt. Barich Sgt. Irol Sgt. Elsek Sgt. Wallen Corp. Drelosyn Corp. Avarik IM4-099

Vehicles(9) Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 6 Tempest Scout Speeder Bike x6

Starships(6) Executor Avenger Boba Fett in S1 Bossk in HT Zuckuss in MH IG-88 in IG-2000

Interrupts(9) Twi’lek Advisor x3 High-Speed Tactics x2 Those Rebels Won’t Escape Us Trample x2 Always Thinking With Your Stomach


3,720 To 1 x3 Presence of the Force x2 Imperial Decree Secret Plans Imperial Arrest Order Lateral Damage Strategic Reserves Security Precautions Battle Order

Strategy: ‘

The deploy +2 on Rebels tends to keep the LS off of Ralltir for the most part, and the ability of the scouts to react, plus the ROps destiny bonus, plus the High-Speed Tactics and some characters who add destiny helps make sure that Ralltir is firmly in your hands. If the LS decides to fight over it early, good. Unless they have a drastic advantage in force activation, the low deploy of the scouts/bikes will (and the attrition imm<4) will help drive them off quickly. An Elom hit squad might be disconcerting, enough that I used to include Empire’s New Order to discourage that, but it’s been awhile since I’ve seen the Elom deck anymore (DS aliens tend to be popular nowadays, against which Eloms suck.) So I just lock down 4-5 sites, add the PoFs to make it a FD potential of 7 on planet. With the ability to spread out the scouts/bikes and reacting AT-STs, the rest of the deck’s resources are used to disrupt the opponent on his sites. And by controlling Raithal, the non-unique scouts are destiny 5 each. If the two destiny-2 scouts, and the IM4 droid are all in play, the total with control of Raithal is a respectable 12 (as good as Skrilling numbers). That should be enough damage to finish them off (even if I need to beat the LS off of 3 battlegrounds to disable Ultimatum.)

Notes against specific decks

Operatives…well, the Imperial Decree and the FD -1 they’ll be under from the 7-side on Rops is enough to kill most of an ops deck’s FD potential. Even with an Ithorian at a Jungle, the drain is only 1. Likewise, if they flip my drain will be virtually nil. Most ops are playing a few characters with low destiny (Ithorians are 2, they may include Luke to keep HDADTJ on the zero-side) so the numbers may still do some damage. I would probably wait for an Always Thinking With Your Stomach and send the op missing so I can do a beatdown on that site (since the op is still at that site for purposes of the op errata.) Lateral Damage could also be a game-ender. In all, I think this deck is a better fighter than a LS ops deck. Now, LS Ralltir Operatives might pose trouble, but this deck can oppose early to prevent the initial flip.

Profit…start Secret Plans, so the lack of aliens in this deck doesn’t hurt so bad. They’ll flip early when they see that, coz the Profit player will need start draining. After flipping, most Profit decks I’ve seen will spread out the mains, minimizing the impact of EPP destiny adder game text while trying to maximize my force loss from the Profit 7-side. That makes it easy to pick a target for beatdown, using ATWYS to send a main missing if necessary.

MWYHL…Yoda and DoS are each destiny-1, Degobah locations aren’t battlegrounds for Ultimatum, thus the odds should hurt them. The deck uses no FD bonuses, so Test 1 doesn’t matter. Test 2 might require more scouts/bikes devoted to Ralltir to prevent a beatdown due to the ability requirement. Never seen a MWYHL get past 2 unless it was devoting so much towards training that it wasn’t a good deck anyways, so I won’t worry past that.

TRM and/or Revo-Nudj…I’m searching for 1/1 sites once per turn, so I’m not really afraid of Revo and I’ll just kill the stupid Nudjs. After the force choke, TRM is just an EPP hit squad, which will suffer the same problems as any deck in deploying to Ralltir.

and to preview about a month into the future….

RTP (post-3A)…not hurt by the OOP text, the vehicles don’t lose their immunity, P2187 is easily Trampled by the high average destiny, her FD bonus is cancelled (as is the Revo probably sitting on the Y4WR.) Not concerned at all about RTP, mostly because the 7-side doesn’t hurt that much. ‘