You have got to be kidding me

Title: You have got to be kidding me
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: Apr 30, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations Rendezvous Point (SL) DagobahYoda’s Hut Kessel x3


Artoo x3 Wioslea x3 8D8 x3 Obi with Light Saber


Gold Leader In Gold 1 Red Leader In Red 1 Spiral Tantive IV Corellian Corvette x4 Gold Squadron Y-wing B-wing x6


The Signal x2 (Start with one) Transmission Terminated x2 Surprise Assault All Wings Report In x2 How Did We Get Into This Mess? x3 Grimtaash


Never Tell Me The Odds x6 Anger, Fear, Aggression x3 Battle Plan x2 Civil Disorder x2 Do, Or Do Not Rebel Fleet What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 Haven (Start With This Effect) Wars Not Make One Great

Strategy: ‘

Ok I guess I will let everyone know that I played this deck at GenCON, Comicon, and the Wildcard Event’s last year. It has only lost once and that was to someone who knew what was coming. It went undefeated at the Wildcard event helping me get 5th place there. And I believe Gabe played this against Girard to make him shave his head last year at GenCon, that was cool.

It is a surprise deck. If your opponent knows what is coming then they MIGHT be able to prepare for it. You start with Haven every game. With a good draw,(which happens 95% of the time) you deploy a corvette for free with 8d8, Artoo, or the other character, and Insert. You will stay safe at Haven, don’t worry. If you cut the deck good, the insert will come up before they even have anyone deployed, making them lose 10 force.

Civil Disorder is huge in this deck. If they are playing Rops with Vesdan, Civil Disorder will force them to deploy character or lose 2 force, either way his gametext will mean little to you. If I did not explain that right, then I am sorry. Just build it and practice and you will see what I mean. At the Wildcard Event, I played against Lafferty and Tom Mascarri, who BOTH seemed to get Vesdan deployed early. And if it wasn’t for Civil Disorder, then maybe I wouldn’t have won, but I did.

Obi with Saber is in there, because right when the think your only character are in space, they start to spread thin. And this is even better when it is towards the end game, you deploy and make them lose extra force, because they were happy about Risistance and now you are laughing )

Rebel Fleet is also good in this deck. Stop the big drain, even thought they may be paying 4 force for it…Battle plan and Wars not make one great. Surprise Assualt is good for when you set up you destiny’s with ‘How did we get into this Mess’ and hit them good.

YOU HAVE TWO GRABBER’S. Why…duh…it is for Torture. Grab that as soon as Possible. Sometimes when they have that look ‘I am not worried about your Insert’s’ Then you play GRIMMTAASH and what will you find? 2 Torture’s in there hand and now your opponent will be pissed…its great ) It seems to happen more times than I can count.

Once your force is strong enough(which doesn’t take long) move over to Kessel and drain for 3 the whole game. Retrieving a little is better than none at all, so when you have all 6 or an amount you like then use All wings to retrieve that little back. Do not tell me I am not activating enough, because I don’t need much force since everything deploy’s for free, and it only takes one force to move to kessel. The move the dark side activates the better, since the insert will come up sooner. It is cool.

Just so everyone knows, I like this deck, I will not mind on how you rate it since I know its true power. If you like to surprise your opponents then bring this for just one tournament and they won’t know what hit them. OH OH yea, also It was Me, Ted and my good friend Chris Hines who came up with the Idea last year and we kept on changing little bits here and there. Have fun.