Dantooine Cowboys

Title: Dantooine Cowboys
Author: Martin "Mart" Akesson
Date: May 2, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘locations (16)

dantooine farm docking bay jungle swamp hoth docking bay rendezvous point yoda hut chirpa hut ben hut yavin war room yavin ruins yavin headquarters hoth war room Kiffex Kessel

blue (12)

Lukes skyhopper Rouge 1 Rouge 2 Rouge 3 Rouge 4 Tantive Spiral Lando in falcon gold leader in gold 1 y-wing squadron X5

characters (20)

wedge biggs hobbie some othe 2/2 pilot drain +1 on dantooine guy drain +1 on raltiir guy zew senesca Rmas Lock Navader Jeroen Webb Luke Skywalker Luke with stick Ben with stick TK422 Boushh Hnemte X3 incom engineer X3

red (10)

signal X2 insurrection (start) battle plan goo nee tay push on us its a trap houjix rebel barrier X2

Strategy: ‘

im sick of red cards so i tried not to use to many. characters and machines are way cooler. start insurection for the docking bays, flip asap and defend dantooine with speeders, hnemtes and pilots. opponent will now drain -1. youve got undecovers to take care of the worst drains, and visage/dueling is handeled by sticking obi or luke in a speeder. then go for space with the squadrons and drain like mad.

this is an acces deck so dont take it to seariously. i couldnt think of anything else constructive that is not already posted multiple times. this deck has potential against some deck, its my attempt of making a LS raltiir deck.. i have at least won a few games with it

Well I’m packing up my game and I’m a head out west Where real women come equipped with scripts and fake breasts Find a nest in the hills chill like Flynt Buy an old droptop find a spot to pimp ‘