The Anti-Profit

Title: The Anti-Profit
Author: Hak Soo "MASTERofEVIL" Kim
Date: May 3, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting stuff in italics

Locations >7 Tatooine T Jabba’s Palace JP Audience Chamber Coruscant Death Star Endor D Cave

Characters >16 EPP Vader x2 Darth Vader Vader DLOTS Mara Jade x2 Dr. Evasan x2 Grand Moff Tarkin Jabba the Hutt EPP Fett ECC IG-88 EJP 4-LOM Djas Puhr Brangus Glee U-3PO

Weapons >3 Mara’s Lightsaber x2 Vader’s Lightsaber

Starships >4 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in Slave I Vader’s Personal Shuttle Bossk in Hound’s Tooth

Interrupts >26 Combat Readiness Sense x6 Alter x3 You Are Beaten x2 Weapon Levitation x2 Sniper x2 Torture x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Elis Helrot x2 The Circle is Now Complete Force Field Dark Strike Boring Conversation Anyway

Effects >4 Disarmed x2 Security Precautions Tatooine Occupation

Strategy: ‘


This deck has been in development for the last 3 or 4 months, each card has been analyzed and prepped for the meta of the Northern California enviornment. In fact, the entire deck is a meta decision vs. the popularity of Profit decks found here. When making card suggestions, please note the above, and also realize I’ve most likely tried that particular idea. Cards ranging from Battle Order, First Strike, Datcha, differences in types and amounts of Vaders, 1 Weapon Lev. vs. 2 Forcefields, etc, etc- its been analyzed. If u plan to use this deck, make significant changes in meta- HB> more ships, Ops> Battle Order, Bright Center, Dengar wit Gat….

This is a control deck- and therefore, plays best when you can control the enviornment. It makes it the perfect deck to anti Profit. You control Han, you control the Audience Chamber, etc.

It is well suited to play vs. Throne Room too (except maybe Hardcore Revo versions). If you achieve control of your locations- since Throne is a purely reactive deck- you should win.

This is skill/patience based deck. You have a limited amount of characters and ships, with a large and deadly supply of support cards, play foolishly/recklessly and you will lose. Your support cards are brutal- the combos are explained below.

Achieve control, build up your hand (15-20 cards in hand is ideal), and let them come to you. It’s not the best deck nor is it particularly card efficient, but it lets your skill come through rather than luck or deck matchups (except vs. Profit =P ). Most of all it’s got style.



Card by Card Examination>

TJP and Tatooine gives me 5 (almost guaranteed) force to start. Getting TAC lets me get 7 (almost guaranteed) force 2nd turn. By 2nd turn, I have at the maximum, 4 zeros in my deck, and TJP search function gives me protection vs. inserts, lets me track cards, and randomizes reserve when needed (for example, i draw 2 vaders for battle destiny and want to seperate the two). Coruscant is obvious- generation, -1 drain, and HB drain protection. Dagobah Cave is for the inaccessibility. Endor is the best system ever- +1 to deploy or move, -1 drain, and drain 2, activate 2? Death Star is a questionable choice. I’m all horny over that 3 unrevo-able force but it can (and will eventually in a game) kill me. Someone mail me another suitable location with pros/cons please.

EPP Vader is all about card effiency. Also, Vader’s sabers bring down my average destiny, which happens to be really high for a dark mains deck. EPP also can not be weapon levitated- very important when u need to combo with weapon interrupts and Circle. One Tarkin is questionable, 2 is always nice but without Crush the Rebellion, 2 is not an automatic choice.

Mara Jade is crucial for this deck- she usually comes out before Vader using AC and she is the other key piece in using the weapon interrupts. Dr. Evasan is a combo machine, combine with the rather high destiny in the deck, and mains are dead. Dr. E’s 3 destiny is odds protection, pilot skill is very nice, and Dr. E, imperial barrier, disarmed combo is easy to pull off.

The next squad is Jabba, IG, 4-LOM, and Fett. All play off each other granting you extra destinies. 4-LOM combos off Vader circling Ben- huge. Don’t forget Jabba’s +1 forfeit AC text, it can be a game breaker.

Djas is included for auto destiny, high forfeit, and bounty hunter status, comboing off IG-88. Brangus is for the auto destiny, insert protection, and pilot ability.

U-3PO allows control of the situation by making them come to you . Insert protection.

3 Sabers in the deck- I hate the 1 destinies, but with Mara search function and 2 Weapon Levitations (combo with AC text), shouldn’t be a problem.

Although 6/3 sense/alter is a little extreme, as SAC goes, ‘better safe than sorry’. Losing one S/A alter war is usually game vs. two heavy S/A players as all your S/A are lost while his recircs. Also 6/3 is equivalent to more like 4/2 vs. Throne generation decks which happens to be the meta deck today.

2 You are Beatens are neccessary against Fury and are rarely useless. A rarely used function of You are Beaten is insert protection. Search during your opponents turn, to shuffle your deck. This can be huge.

Dark strike USED when facing blind destiny draws with Evasan in battle. LOST when you track your cards or don’t have Evasan. Dark Strike and Evasan is such a natural combo, I’m surprised I don’t see it more.

Weapon Levitation is the ultimate combo card- Ben with saber, EPP Han and EPP Luke battles premiere Vader. Weapon Lev saber. Circle Obi. You are Beaten Luke. Beat on Han.

Force Field used to cancel Clash of Sabers, Glancing Blow, Force is Strong With This One, etc. etc. but not anymore. Damn, that card used to be tech. Still pretty good but I only use one now.

Imperial Barrier is the card that sets up all your combos. Also use Imperial Barrier to stop suidice mains so you can beat on them on your turn, on your initiative, or to keep them on the table vs. Throne/Odds. Set up ambushes in space- Vader’s shuttle alone at Tatooine… Gold Leader comes down- barrier, next turn, bring the beats. Combo Barrier with Disarmed- add in Dr. E,.

Skywalkers cancels Imperial Barrier. Boring Conversation cancels Skywalkers. Not to mention about 3 other game breaking interrupts. And it’s a used 5? Damn.

Circle+Sense+Disarmed/Weapon Lev/4-LOM= OOP Obi.

I would like to add in one more ship, preferably a Star Destroyer to drain at Corsucant. Questionable call on Fett in Ship with EPP Fett. I’m a greedy f*ck so I’m keeping them both in for now. Both are too good in my deck. Convince me otherwise. Easty combo Bossk in Ship with Vader’s Shuttle. Often forgotten combo Zuckuss in ship with EJP 4-LOM. Brutal.

That is about it. If you can think of some other brutal combos for the deck, please let me know.