The not-so-original RalOps deck

Title: The not-so-original RalOps deck
Author: J.D. "Talz" LaCure
Date: May 4, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting(4) Ralltiir Operations Ralltiir Twilek Advisor Imperial Arrest Order

Characters (15) EPP Vader DLOTS Tarkin DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Evax Cabbel Davin Felth Ardan Marquand Arnet AT-ST Pilot x3

Creatures (1) Bubo

Vehicles (6) Blizzard 2 Blizzard Scout 1 Tempest Scout 1 Tempest Scout 2 Tempest Scout 5 Tempest Scout 6

Starships (6) Devastator Bossk in Boba in Zuckuss in IG-88 in Dengar in

Locations (8) Spaceport Docking Bay Desert Spaceport Street Hoth Ice Plains Courscant Kessel Death Star Kashyyk

Effects (9) ABCTTU Resistance Sandwhirl Lateral Damage Reactor Terminal Battle Order There’ll be Hell to pay Search and Destroy

Interrupts (11) Main Course Monnok You are Beaten Ghhhk x2 Masterful Move x2 Sense x2 Alter x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Well, you basically play this deck like any other RalOps. Get out your sites, put down some fodder and walkers, and flip. Once that happens, drain and battle your opponent to death. The only things that are too different about this deck is the addition of two senses, two ghhhks, and extra effects. The things that are missing Igar/Tempest 1 (I don’t own) Mara/Mara’s Stick (Ditto) so, once you flip you get your battling forces together and go fight. Your additons to battle destiny will help the already high destinies in this deck. Go and have fun with your opponent. well, now for some card choice explanations Characters, pretty basic, not too many though Vehicles, I chose these for power and reacting ability Starships, all the BHunter’s ships, plus Devastator for support Locations, a lot of systems, to convert (to lower space drains) and activation Effects, protection for odd decks, and for popular ones as well, plus stuff like Lateral Damage Interrupts, mostly basic stuff, except the SAC and Ghhhks, but they’re used a lot

now, vs specific deck types

HB, you must prevent control of Ralltiir, once you flip and deploy Security Precautions, Battle and Probe

Profit, whether they come to you or not, protect your sites and drain in space some as well, you should win the drain race

MWYHL, not any Training prevention cards in here, but try to battle en masse when possible

QMC, try to prevent their flip by controling the skys, battle and drain

Throne Room/Tosche Mains, the reason for the Ghhhks, and the Main Course, try to flip, that is the key to victory

that’s all I can think of right now

All constructive criticism is welcome, Talz ‘