Hoostino s Hardcore Hunt Down

Title: Hoostino s Hardcore Hunt Down
Author: Justin "hoostino" Warren
Date: May 4, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe

Locations (10) Executor Holotheatre Executor Meditation Chamber Endor Forest Clearing Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabbas Palace Cloud City Downtown Plaza Jabbas Palace Audience Chamber Hoth Defensive Perimeter Death Star Coruscant

Characters (16) Darth Vader (3x) Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith (2x) Grand Moff Tarkin (2x) Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand (2x) 4-LOM With Concussion Rifle (2x) IG-88 With Riot Gun Jabba The Hutt Bane Malar Djas Puhr U-3PO

Weapons (3) Vaders Lightsaber (2x) Mara Jades Lightsaber

Creature (1) Bubo

Starships (3) Boba Fett In Slave 1 Zuckuss In Mist Hunter Executor

Interrupts (20) Sense (4x) Alter (4x) Evader (2x) Elis Helrot (2x) Monnok (2x) Ghhhk You Are Beaten Unexpected Interruption TwiLek Advisor (2x)

Effects (8) Visage Of The Emperor Bad Feeling Have I Reactor Terminal A Bright Center To The Universe Crush The Rebellion Security Precautions Resistance Secret Plans ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck has never let me down. It can beat such a wide variety of decks, making it a good choice to take to a tournament.

This is designed to counter most degenerate crap and drain and battle its way to victory. This deck is easy to play, but when played by a skillful player, it is really hard to overcome. It takes most HB and MWYHL decks, it will beat Ops with Bright Center, and will take down most Throne Room decks.

Some Strategy Notes *SAC still works in Hunt Down decks, as there are plenty of 1’s in the deck. *Two 4-LOM’s to slow down Ben Kenobi. IG-88 is the man with Reactor Terminal down, as you can set up all kinds of destinies not only for his weapon, but the destiny he adds when with a bounty hunter.

MATCHUPS Vs. HB Start Sec. Precautions. Use ships to probe and set up some quick drains. Once you probe, the game is virtually over in most cases.

Vs. Throne Room ALWAYS start Crush. These games will be the most enjoyable, as its mains versus mains. You Are Beaten is a game-changing card…Against Revo, you have the Crush and 2 Evaders, plus JP, the AC, and the Death Star - all immune to Revo.

Vs. Ops Start Secret Plans or Security Precautions if they give up only one Force so you can deploy a first turn Vader at the Farm. Get on their turf quickly. Keep chasing them around with the big guns, and spread out elsewhere for drains. I have since added Battle Order, but it is only really effective against Speeder Ops.

Vs. MWYHL Start Secret Plans again. Retrieval is big around here, and I have to be cautious. Fast drains coupled with big activation will hurt, even with Battle Plan down. And prepare for the EPP beatdown with your Ghhk and a laugh.

Cards To Consider Tempest 1 and Igar Great powerhouse combo.

Search And Destroy for HB and #s.

Track Record’